Principal's Message
Term 1 Week 9
Principal's Message
Term 1 Week 9
We finished off with the Family Breakfast, Easter Raffle, assembly and our Easter Hat Parade. Thank you to all of our parents and carers who took time out to come along today.
Huge appreciation to Leonie and the band of parents/carers who helped with our Hot Cross Bun orders and preparing for the Family Breakfast! Jess W, Georgie H, Amy M, Kristie C, Faz A, Frances B, Kristie C, Jerri X, Elspeth M, Sarah K, Tom M, Jack K, Lizzie C, Smita P, Katie L, Leonie S, Sally H, Carol N, Emmanuelle K, Jen T.
The students of 5/6E have been hard at work developing their journalism skills to write, record and produce Pleasant Podcast. They demonstrated teamwork, creativity and bravery to share their work with the school and hope that you enjoy listening to it as much as they enjoyed making it!
Thank you Mr Nick Dix! What a great sport! Nick was SLIMED on Monday in front of the whole school. Will, Arsheya and Marko were chosen to wield the slime, as the highest fund raisers to date and to celebrate reaching $2000.00.
I wonder who else is on the list to be slimed? Get fundraising MPRPS, maybe we will have a teacher or teachers to slime on our return to school in Term Two.
Get your Colour on! MPRPS is hosting our Colour Splatacular Run 4 Fun on Friday the 19th of April 2024! Either scan the QR code below or visit
Foundation Showcase: Identity
In Term 1, Foundation explored identity. Students discussed who they were, their families, celebrations their families may have and food they may traditionally eat. To showcase everything, students created dioramas of their families displaying a celebration and made a plate of food that they enjoyed eating with their families. Thank you to Foundation parents and carers for your engagement with our first showcase. The students loved being able to tell families about their piece and having you all in the classroom.
Inquiry Centre Unit: Our Identity
Throughout Term 1, students in the Inquiry Centre have explored all the wonderful things that make them unique. They have investigated the meaning of their names, character strengths, favourite things, VIPs (very important people) and what they want to do when they grow up. Students created their own flower with a self-portrait in the centre and all the facts about themselves as the petals. Photos of their spectacular creations are available on Seesaw for you to view.
Independence Centre Unit:
Food Makes The World Go Round
Throughout Term 1, students in the Independence Centre have been exploring how food is an important part of cultural heritage, as well as national and personal identity. They discussed how food brings loved ones together for special occasions and identified why certain dishes are significant or even sentimental to them. They discovered that food allows us all to experience new connections, flavours, and textures! Which is what the 3/4 Food Blog is all about.
Please scan the QR code to see the amazing work the 3/4 students have completed. On the blog you will find delicious recipes to make at home, information reports, raving food reviews, blog posts and persuasive advertisements. What will be your next food adventure?
Thanks to Sahil J and Isaac (3/4RM) for designing the QR codes for the 3/4 Food Blog.
Leadership Centre Unit: My Place
Throughout Term 1, students in the Leadership Centre have explored all the wonderful things that make them unique. They have investigated and interviewed adults who have helped shape them as individuals. Researched recipes and created food that is connected to their identity and how they bring people together for special occasions. With the help and guidance of our Mentor Text My Place, we have explored map making, understanding how communities adapt and change over time. All our learning is cultivated in an autobiographical piece presented on a Website or an eBook.
All staff came together to work with our new OH&S consultants Elise and Mel from School Safe Consulting on our Emergency Management procedures. Our staff at MPRPS&K are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for our students and whole community. Elise has been able to work with our systems and procedures and streamline our approach to a range of emergency situations from lockdowns to evacuations.
Jane and our administration staff have been auditing our first aid resources and procedures. Many families have been contacted over Term One to update Medical and Health Plans including asthma and anaphylaxis action plans. It is important that all plans are updated
annually and when they expire throughout the year. Thank you to all the families who have been so responsive with our requests.