Wargomerrin - Year 7

email:   wargomerrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Parent teacher conferences (5.00 pm-8.00 pm)Wednesday 27th March 
Parent teacher conferences (10.00 am-1.00 pm) NO FORMAL CLASSESThursday 28th March
Student free day Monday 15th April
All students return for Term 2Tuesday 16th April

Highlighting 7B

Coming into the end of the first term, 7B have this high school thing all figured out. They are making friends, navigating the school grounds, getting themselves to class on time and have discovered where the canteen is. They’ve had a taste of some of the experiences high school has to offer; the Swimming Carnival, Year 7 Camp and their first whole school assembly. 

The Year 7 students have just finished NAPLAN which is a huge relief! The past few weeks 7B spent their Maths and English lessons preparing for those NAPLAN tests, building up their reading, writing, and numeracy skills. 

In Maths we have been working with perimeter, area and volume, with an emphasis on having a go, trying different things to get the answer and asking for help when needed.

We look forward to a great finish to the first term.

In Humanities, 7B are moving from history to geography. In history students learnt about history skills and aspects of Ancient Australia. Geography will involve students developing skills of mapping, places in Australia and the world, and the importance of water in the world.

7B have been completing a project in Woodwork with some spectacular results.

They had to draw a plan, with measurements, and produce a materials list and production plan.

In Drama, 7B have been exploring the theatre style of Mime. Students devised short scenes where they had to mime getting through a series of obstacles. All groups did a wonderful job getting up in front of the class to perform their piece. Next, we move into an ensemble percussion piece!

7B have begun their classification unit in Science where they are learning how biological organisms are categorized based on shared characteristics. In this lesson they are exploring an acronym to help remember the 7 life processes (MRSGREN).


Pre-loved uniform 

Our hub accepts BSC uniform in good condition. Please drop anything you have to the  Admin office or our hub.  Thanks very much.