Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you very much for your support of the students and staff at Bairnsdale Secondary College.
During Term 1, our staff have been working on building relationships with students and embedding learning routines. In Term 2, staff will sharpen the focus to strengthening connections with students.
We continue to promote pride in our school by:
- Wearing our school uniform neatly (please have your school uniform jumpers ready for the colder weather in Term 2) - Please refer to the Administration page for updates to student dress code policy.
- Working in partnership with our Student Leadership Team.
- Treating others respectfully in school and in the community.
- Students attending interschool sports events.
School Sports
Our new School Sports team of Grant Sanderson (Coordinator) and Bodie Carr (AFL Sports Trainee) have been active this term ensuring that Bairnsdale Secondary College has teams competing in all interschool sports events. In Term 1 we have fielded teams in cricket, shooting, swimming and volleyball. You can read more about all the events our students have been participating in by clicking on the PE & Outdoor Ed page of this newsletter.
New signwriting
Parents and Carers may also notice that our school minibuses have had new signwriting and graphics added so that we are visible when we are out and about in our community.
Students are respectfully reminded that mobile phones are to be secured during the school day. Students who access their phone during the school day can expect an escalating range of responses from staff as follows:
- Student reminded of the expectation.
- Phone removed for the session.
- Phone removed for the day and securely stored at the year level HUB.
- Phone plan in place where a students’ phone is dropped off at their HUB before school every morning and collected from that HUB at the end of the school day (securely stored, duration of escalation starting at 1 week.)
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please take the opportunity next week to attend conferences online or face to face, to build a partnership with College staff to support your child(rens) learning and well-being. This is a great opportunity to connect and learn from each for the benefit of your student.
Tony Roberts