Around the College 

St Patrick's Day Mass

On Friday 15 March four Youth Ministry students attended St Patrick's Cathedral for Catholic Education Week's mass in honour of Saint Patrick. Catholic schools from across the Archdiocese of Melbourne were in attendance, filling the Cathedral with both primary and secondary students.


Archbishop Peter Comensoli spoke of how Jesus wishes His name to be spread and challenged the students to take Him out with them into the world wherever they go.

After the mass, we walked down to the Catholic Leadership Centre for a student colloquial where a number of senior students spoke of their experience at World Youth Day in Lisbon last year. Each had some insights about leadership and mission that the students were presented with. The day was concluded with a walk back through Fitzroy gardens taking in the view of our Cathedral against the clear skies of Melbourne.


Last Friday, we had the privilege of going to St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate the St Patrick’s Day mass alongside many other Catholic schools. Following the mass, we were lucky enough to attend a colloquial with students from other Catholic schools across Melbourne. It was a great opportunity to connect with other students who share similar faith backgrounds. A selected group of students from other schools were invited to share their personal journeys of faith. Each individual’s understanding of faith was shaped by their unique life experiences. It was interesting to hear about how some students discovered what faith meant to them through moments of doubt or acts of kindness. Overall, it was a great experience.

Tiana Bakaimis

Year 10 MX3


Along with experiencing an incredible mass, St. Patrick's Day opened my eyes to the experiences of others my age who discovered God and their journeys. I learned a lot of valuable lessons from the gorgeous mass that I will carry with me throughout my life.  We had the opportunity to participate in a beautiful mass to begin the day. Following the mass, we headed to lunch where we had food and attended a conference where several different student speakers discussed their paths to God and how they continue on them.

Aliyah Kasap

Year 10 MC3


It was an eye-opening and inclusive experience, as well as a happy day in general. I learned a lot from being a part of the Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral on Friday.

Cassandra Kallis

Year 10 MC5



Mr Peter Nathan

Instructional Leader Religious Education





MACS Creative Arts Exhibition

Nazareth College was honoured to present four student works from Art Making and Exhibiting and Visual Communication Design at the 2024 MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) Creative Arts Exhibition over this past week. This event demonstrated many of the best creative works of students who attend MACS schools. It was great to see our students’ outcomes stand proud with the other students’ pieces during the event and the Awards Ceremony on Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to Ava Tamvakis (Year 11, Mannix 1), Cayla Ho (Year 11, Mackillop 4), Keji Yloi (Year 11, Chisholm 1), and Victoria Kammel (Year 11, Knox 3), for having their works nominated and selected for this year’s exhibition. Thank you to Ms Heather O’Brien and Ms Elizabeth Murphy for helping to coordinate and organise the pieces that were entered. Please take a look at the students’ great outcomes at the exhibition.

Keji Yloi
Ava Tamvakis
Victoria Kammel
Cayla Ho
Keji Yloi
Ava Tamvakis
Victoria Kammel
Cayla Ho



Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Visual Arts



Year 10 Food Technology

In the whimsical realm of Ms Goodwin's classroom, Year 10 Food Technology students embarked on a delectable odyssey spanning seven classes, diving headfirst into the enchanting world of cake decorating. Armed with spatulas and piping bags, they ventured through a culinary landscape filled with sweetness and creativity.


Their adventure began modestly, with the humble mud cake cupcake serving as their canvas. With each delicate swirl of buttercream and every precise piped design, they honed their skills, transforming these simple treats into miniature masterpieces. Under Ms. Goodwin's patient guidance, they learned the art of precision, discovering the magic of turning ordinary cupcakes into edible works of art. Meringues and chocolate-making added to their repertoire.


This week they showcased their final decorated cakes to Ms Nailon and Mr Duckett. Amelia's simple yet elegant purple cake stole the show, praised for its flawless buttercream and piping. 


As the class came to a close, hearts brimming with newfound confidence and creativity, the Year 10s bid farewell to their cake-decorating adventure. Armed with skills and memories that would last a lifetime, they eagerly looked forward to delighting family and friends with their sweet creations, knowing that the magic of their classroom would forever inspire their culinary endeavours.