Catholic Identity

Fr Patrick Kindergarten Visit

Last Thursday morning Fr Patrick visited the Kindergarten classrooms. Pope Francis has declared this Church Year as the ‘Year of Prayer’. The children and teachers prayed together and sang a song. Kindergarten identified Fr Patrick as the Priest of the St Joseph’s Parish. Thank you Fr Patrick for visiting Kindergarten.

LENT - Holy Week School Prayer

During Lent, we have tried to follow Jesus’ way.  It is the way of love and the way of forgiveness. This week the school community has gathered to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as we remember the events of Holy Week and prepare ourselves for Easter. Holy Week is the most important week of the Church’s year, when we remember the last days of Jesus’ life on earth - a time of both joy, great suffering and sorrow. Thank you to parents and friends who joined the staff and students at these times. 


On Monday Stage 1 students focused on Palm Sunday, when Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem like a King. 

How can we be people of welcome?


On Tuesday Stage 2 students focused on the events of Holy Thursday when Jesus shared a meal and washed the disciples' feet, as a great act of love and service.


How can we be people of service?


Today (Thursday):

Year 5 reminded us of Jesus praying in the garden, his arrest and his sentence


Year 6 led the school community through the ‘Stations of the Cross’ (Good Friday).


We look forward to Kindergarten leading Easter Morning Prayer next week on Thursday 4 April. All are most welcome!

Project Compassio10c Update


We have broken our target of $80.00 raised for project compassion.


Thank you to everyone who has donated and dropped off 10c poppers and plastic containers. 


We are doing one last push! 


Over the Easter break please, please, please keep collecting!! Our last collection day will be Wednesday 3rd April. 


Currently we have collected close to 1000 containers. Amazing! 


The leader board is as follows:

Blue house - $29.50 

Yellow house - $26.20

Green house - $23.70 

Red house - $18.00


Happy collecting! 

Grace M

2024 Sacramental Dates

2024 Yr 6 Confirmation and Yr 3 First Holy Communion Parent Sacramental Prayer Evening will be held in the Church with Fr Patrick on Wednesday 22 May at 6pm. This Prayer Evening is  for the parents of students who are making the sacraments this year in the Bulli Parish (not students).


2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for Confirmation are:

  • Term 2 Week 8 Tuesday 18 June and Wednesday 19 June at 7pm.

Enrolment forms will be available in the coming weeks.


2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for First Holy Communion are:

  • Term 3 Week 7  - Sunday 8 September at 8:30am and 5:30pm
  • Term 3 Week 9  - Sunday 22 September at 8:30am and 5:30pm

Online booking and enrolment forms will be available at the parent prayer evening.


Year 2 First Reconciliation (Term 4) will be communicated once finalised with Fr Patrick.  


Whole School Liturgy - Cosmic Walk Mosaic Launch



(An Invitation to Contemplate the Story of the Birth of the Cosmos to the Present Day)


On Thursday 11 April 2024 (week 11) the school community will gather to launch the Cosmic Mosaic during a liturgy in the Church at 9:30am. All are warmly invited to join the staff and students at this celebration.