Principal's Page

Dear Parents and Carers


Today is Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday is the first day of the Easter Triduum, the most sacred days of the Catholic faith. It begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, commemorating the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus and his disciples on the Jewish holiday of Passover. Although not a Holy Day of Obligation, many Catholics attend Mass. It was during the Last supper that Jesus taught his disciples that the Eucharist is truly His Body and Blood. 


On light of us being a Eucharistic community that reaches out as the Body of Christ to the wider community, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and holy Easter and hope that this period is an opportunity for renewal. I look forward to seeing our students back to school on Wednesday 3 April.

A Prayer for Holy Thursday


In these last few days leading up to Easter, as I recall your passion and death, let me remember that, above all, I am called to feed your sheep. You have given me a model of how to live; may I strive to be all that you created me for, spreading the love of God and the truth of our Catholic faith wherever I am able. You are the way, the truth, and the life.



Still Seeking a P&F Treasurer - NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!

Our Parents & Friends Association is still seeking someone to take on the role of Treasurer. There is no financial experience required and ample support and guidance will be provided. The Treasurer will join with the President, Vice President and Secretary to form the P&F Executive Committee. The P&F Executive meet once a term prior to the termly P&F General Meetings. If anyone is interested in this role or would like to find out more about what it entails, please contact the school office.


Annual Improvement Plan Update

Goal: Students will achieve continual growth in Mathematics as a result of shared curriculum expectations and collaborative processes ensuring alignment of curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment.


Teacher professional learning over the past fortnight focussed on: 

  • understanding the design principles underlying the Revised NSW English and Mathematics Syllabuses and 
  • teaching Mathematics for understanding and fluency
  • understanding the role of working Mathematically across all areas of Mathematics
  • recognising the roles of routine and non-routine problem solving


Recent Staff Professional Learning

Research tells us that the quality of the teacher is the greatest in-school influence on student achievement. Therefore high quality professional learning for teachers must be a priority to ensure improved teacher practice that leads to improved student learning growth. Professional learning undertaken by our staff over the past fortnight includes:


19 March 2024 - Instructional Coach Meeting

Mrs Grose


20 March 2024 - Wollongong Environment Network

Mr Mathews and student representatives


21 March 2024 - Collaborative Planning - half days

Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Clark, Mrs Kors, Mrs Lantry, Mrs Duffin, Mr Mathews, Mrs Allan, Mrs Walls


25 March 2024 - Personalised Planning Meetings

Mr Mathews


26 March 2024 - Personalised Planning Meetings

Mrs Fursey


27 March 2024 - System Professional Learning Day 1 

Mrs Duffin, Mrs Smith, Mrs Lantry


Cross Country Carnival

Yesterday's Cross Country Carnival was a wonderful community event. The support for the younger students, the encouragement of everyone to participate and do their best as well as the dancing and War Cries made this day memorable. I cannot thank our parent helpers enough for cooking, serving, marshalling, warming up students, setting up, water spraying, caring for and cheering everyone on. We had some wonderful feedback from our parent community that I would like to share:


.........I wanted to say how moved I was (and other parents I was with commented also) by the level of support for the younger children in the school community by their teachers. It was beautiful to see little ones being supported, having their hands held, teachers encouraging them and picking up kids who had fallen. 

I'm sure this happens every day at school but to be able to witness the care was really heartwarming. Also the year 5 buddies lining the course for kindergarten was so special. We appreciate you all and are so grateful our children attend the most beautiful primary school.....

Pupil Free Day on Tuesday

Our next Pupil Free Day will be held on Tuesday 2 April. Students will return to school after the Easter break on Wednesday 3 April. 



Kaylene Duffin

Principal, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Principal Awards

Our Principal awards are presented to students fortnightly on the even week.  


The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our assembly at 2.00pm on Friday 5 April (Term 1 Week 10). 

Abbygail F1st
Sebastian R1st
Finnick S1st
Eden C2nd
Elka R2nd
Patrick L2nd
Elleanor M3rd
William  P3rd

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards which are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students send them to the school office to be recorded and are then eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly. End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.  Please see the "School Handbook" for a full list of eligible awards.

End of Term Awards

The following student will be presented their End of Term 1 Achievement Awards on Friday 12 April 2024 (Term 1 Week 11). Parents of students receiving End of Term Awards are welcome to join the assembly.


Academic Achievement Awards

KJJacob M KMBrooks B
1JPeyton B1MFinnick S
2JTiana B2MAlex N
3JXavier H3MOlive V
4JNoah P4MHayden K
5JKirby G5MNash K
6JVivienne H6MZoe C

Habits of Mind Awards

KJFred LKMEllis W
1JAllegra B1MGia S
2JClara A2MEllen H
3JCharlotte K3MCruz F
4JMia R4MLogan R
5JAdam L5MTaavi R
6JEmily A6MSophie M

Mary of the Cross Awards

KJAshleigh CKMSummer F
1JHannah L1MGeorge S
2JLachlan B2MEden C
3JLillian L3MArlo N
4JGrace M4MWilliam P
5JLayne B5MGenevieve S
6JTaj C6MMikayla K


Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past, present and emerging the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.