Photographing, Filming & Recording Students Policy

There are many occasions during the school year when staff photograph, film or record students participating in school activities or events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase learning programs, document a student’s learning journey/camps/excursions/sports events etc, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and on classroom blogs/apps (SeeSaw).
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy describes how we will collect and use photographs, video and recordings (images) of students. The policy also explains when parent/carer consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.
Please note there are uses of images that do not require consent. These include curriculum-based activities (i.e. class work), identity management, managing behavioural and safety incidents, to support a student’s health and wellbeing, and to provide individual feedback or communication to a student, their parents/carers and/or school staff. If you have any concerns about the use of photographs in our school, for example, due to safety or cultural reasons, please contact the school office.
The Consent Form/Notice describes:
- situations where consent is required and seeks that consent
- how personal information will be handled in regard to privacy law
- ownership and reproduction of images
If you would like to withdraw or change your consent at any time, you must notify us by email or contact the school on 8401 3791. If consent is withdrawn verbally, we will make a written record of this. Please note, it may not be possible for the school to amend past publications or to withdraw images that are already in the public domain.
We will provide an annual reminder to parents about our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy via the school newsletter. We will also notify parents when implementing software that may include photos of students, giving parents an opportunity to discuss any concerns or preferences.
Consent applies to images of students that are collected and used by our school. We ask that any parents/carers or other members of our school community photographing, filming or recording students at school events (e.g. concerts, sports events etc) do so in a respectful and safe manner and that images of students are not publicly posted (e.g. to a social media account) without the permission of the relevant parent/carer.
If you do not understand any aspect of this consent form/notice or you would like to talk about any concerns you have, please contact our school on 8401 3791.
Photographs, video and recordings (images) in which your child is identifiable are considered ‘personal information’ under Victorian privacy law. This means that any images of your child taken by the school may be a collection of your child’s personal information. The school is part of the Department of Education (the department). The department values the privacy of every person and must comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) when collecting and managing all personal information. For further information refer to the Schools’ Privacy Policy
Ownership and reproduction
Copyright in the images will be wholly owned by the school. This means that the school may use the images in the ways described in this form without notifying, acknowledging or compensating you or your child.
Consent for use of images
Our school uses images in a number of ways. Please read the categories below, then indicate your opt-in consent via Compass Insights.
Use of images within the physical school environment
If you consent, photographs, video or recordings of your child may be used by our school within the school environment in any of the following ways:
- for display in school classrooms (e.g. in displays of student work, on noticeboards to celebrate achievements)
Use of images within the school community
If you consent, photographs, video or recordings of your child may be used by our school within the school community in any of the following ways:
- in the school’s online communication, learning and teaching tools (e.g. classroom blogs or apps that can only be accessed by students, parents/carers and school staff with passwords.)
- in the school’s newsletter
- in the school magazine or
- SeeSaw App, only accessible with a password.
Use of images beyond the school community/publicly
If you consent, photographs, video or recordings of your child may be used in publications that are accessible to the public, including:
- on the school’s website, including in the school newsletter which is publicly available on the website
- on the school’s social media accounts
We will notify you individually if we are considering using images of your child for specific advertising or promotional purposes.
Provide consent via Compass INSIGHTS
On Compass you will see notifications for 'INSIGHTS CYCLES'. Please "click here to proceed" on the link to complete the consent.
Further information about how EVPS collects and uses photos, video and recordings of students is available in our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy including use of images that do not require consent, e.g. to fulfill legal obligations or for identification purposes.