Principal's Views

Dear Parents, Carers, staff and students,
International Women’s Day
Last Friday we celebrated International Women’s Day and all of the inspirational women in our community. Students participated in a scavenger hunt, where they had to locate posters around the school and learn something new about inspirational women from a number of different countries. Staff enjoyed a morning tea and wore purple (dignity and justice) green (hope) and white (purity).
Dream & Lead Conference
This week on Tuesday 12th March a number of our Grade 4, 5 and 6 School Leaders travelled by train to the Dream and Lead Conference at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. They listened to a number of inspirational leaders who discussed the topics of resilience, empowerment and leadership at all ages. You can read more about the day from our School Vice Captains in this edition.
Harmony Day
Harmony Day is coming up on the Thursday 21st March. To celebrate students are invited to dress in cultural dress or the colour orange.
Harmony Day centres on the message that “Everyone belongs”, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians. Since 1999, thousands of Harmony Day events have been held across the country. On this day, we will also show our support for National Close the Gap Day to advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equity.
Upcoming: End of Term Celebration 26th March
We are very excited to hold our end-of-term Celebration of Learning on Tuesday 26th March. This is a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together and celebrate the achievements of our students. Parents are invited to open classrooms where they can join in with learning activities with the students between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. All community members are then invited to enjoy a BBQ, DJ and exciting inflatable fun. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Community Partnerships - Melbourne Polytechnic Visits
Over the last couple of weeks we have had over 50 adult student visitors from Melbourne Polytechnic, who are studying ‘Certificate 3 – School Based Education Support’. They toured our school to gain insights into the role of Education Support in schools. We thank Lori from EVPS and Lina from Melbourne Polytechnic for fostering this Community Partnership. The visitors provided extremely positive feedback from their visit which is testament to the great work that all our staff do to provide the best learning and wellbeing opportunities for our students. Here is some feedback from one of the attendees …
“The tour helped me to get a better understanding of what a school setting looks like and what the roles are. In the classroom, I found lots of charts which help students learn words and build up for their vocabulary. Daily schedules were clearly presented on the wall. They have lounge areas which allows more freedom for students to learn in the classroom. I am also amazed by the idea of ‘learn by play’ and the sensory room. They put so much effort into the student health and wellbeing. I observed that yard duty staff carrying first aid kits. Each ES has a different role in different area which not limited in the classroom. “
If you or anyone you know would like to explore opportunities for studying the School Based Education Support Certificate, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the school (ask for Lori) and we can offer support and guidance.
Fire Drill
Today we held an evacuation drill where students and staff practised evacuating to the oval. We managed to evacuate the whole school and assemble on the oval in just under 6 minutes and the entire evacuation process was completed in 18 minutes. We congratulate everyone on the calm and orderly evacuation and feel well prepared in the case of an emergency.
Photography, Filming and Consent
Included in this newsletter is the Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Consent Notice - please read the information. If you haven't already consented please indicate your consent via Compass INSIGHTS. It will appear on your Compass Profile or App Home Page.
You can view the school Policy on our website click here
Rachel Griffiths
On behalf of Mandy O’Mara
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