Grade 4 News

Important Reminders/Dates
- Hats - As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
- Anaphylaxis awareness - a student in the cohort is allergic to all nuts, dairy and seafood. We ask that you be aware of what is being sent in the students lunchboxes, and remind the students not to share food at school.
- Homework - The same expectations from Term 1 will continue for the rest of the year.
Weekly Timetable for Term 2
Thursday, April 25th: ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Thursday, May 9th: Mothers Day Stall
Monday, May 13th: Middle School Hooptime
Wednesday, May 15th: Performing Arts Incursion
Monday, June 10th: Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday, June 25th: Celebration Morning
Friday, June 28th: Last Day Term 2 - 2.30pm finish
Wise Words
This term we will be adding different wellbeing and social skills tips and tricks to our newsletter! These will be activities or conversation starters provided by our counsellor, which you can try out at home so please keep an eye out!
#1 - Three Great Things! - When discussing your child’s day make sure to focus on the positives rather than searching for the negatives. Over dinner, why not challenge the family to identify three great things about their day.
Learning In Action
This term in Literacy, the Grade 4s will be having a focus on non-fiction texts, with a zoomed in focus on informative and persuasive texts. We will be developing our note-taking skills and looking at the most efficient ways to write a paragraph to engage the readers of our texts.
The picture below shows some of our year 4 students using picture prompts to write sentences including an adverbial how.
This term you will also see a new element to our literacy section, we will be including a picture that has the focus of our word work for each week, along with some words that can students can practice reading and spelling at home.
In Maths this term, we will have a big focus on developing our understanding of addition and subtraction. We will focus on solving equations for these topics through the Part + Part = Total structure and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
During our applied units we will be looking at data and time. We are currently learning about different ways we can represent data and what we can learn from reading a graph. Below are some pictures of grade 4 students collecting data from their books which they would then represent in a graph.
For inquiry this term, the whole school will be looking at geography. Our Grade 4’s will be looking at other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, focusing on Africa and South America. We will spend time comparing the countries, searching for similarities and differences between them. We are excited to begin our unit next week!
The students jumped straight into wellbeing this term, starting off by looking at ways to solve problems during RRRR’s. Students were able to identify problems and understood that sometimes they can be difficult to manage on their own. We discussed the importance of slowing down and thinking about all the possible actions and solutions using the ‘Roads and Roundabouts’ model.
Preview - Students will continue working through Friendology, looking at the topics ‘Tricky Situations’ and ‘Kind and Strong.’