Grade 2 News

Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Grade 2 students go to the library every Monday. We ask that students have a library bag so they can borrow books to read at home.
Learning in Action
This term our reading focus is on non-fiction texts, where students will learn the purpose, features and audience on a variety of topics. This week students have compared fiction and non-fiction texts, looked at features of a non-fiction texts and made predictions on what information will be in the text based on the topic sentence and photographs.
Preview for Learning:
Students will continue to learn about different features of non-fiction texts.
This week students were given a range of different picture prompts to write one good sentence that included a subject, verb, adverbial where and boundary punctuation. When using an adverbial where, students had to ensure they used a prepositional word like 'in, on, under, over, next' to describe the where in the picture. For example, the chicken was running next to the pig pen.
Preview for Learning:
Students will use picture prompts to form questions about the picture using who, what, when, where and why.
The next few weeks our number lessons are addition focused and students will be working through a range of different strategies to solve addition problems. This week we have explored that '=' means 'the same as' and that we need to put 2 or more parts together to find the total and they can be in any order.
Preview for Learning:
Students will learn how to apply 'I can make 10' and 'I can add ones and tens' to solve addition problems. Students will begin their location unit and will be learning to use positional and directional language.
This term our inquiry topic is 'Our Community - exploring the natural and human-made features and how we connect to them'. Grade 2 students will learn about what natural, constructed and managed landmarks are and how we can connect to these places.
Grade 2 students will be learning about different places around the worlds and traditions within those countries and how they compare to their own experiences. On Tuesday's students will have a Geography lesson where they will learn about maps, the purpose, and different features of maps.
This term Grade 2 students will be working on Problem solving and Stress Management from the 4R's program.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers