Chaplain's Corner

This week marks the most significant week in the Christian calendar – Holy Week. This starts with Palm Sunday and the revelation of who Jesus is as messiah, the coming King. It moves to the Last Supper on Thursday when the disciples celebrate the Jewish Passover with Jesus in a upper room and Jesus institutes communion. Jesus is betrayed by his disciple Judas with a kiss at the Garden of Gethsemane and arrested by religious temple guards. In mock trials Jesus is condemned by religious and roman authorities and sentenced to death. He dies an innocent man on a cross on Good Friday between two criminals and is hurriedly buried in a tomb before the sabbath (Saturday). God’s love and power mysteriously bring Jesus back to life after three days and the tomb is found empty on Sunday morning (symbolised in hollow easter eggs). Jesus mysteriously appears to his disciples and the risen Lord brings a message of peace and love to the world in need of forgiveness and healing.
Christ is Risen! Alleluhah!
Harmony Day
Palm Sunday Chapel
Easter Chapel
Easter Celebration
Rev. Gavin Blakemore.