Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
Harmony Day
It was a great opportunity to celebrate the diversity in our school community and particularly students who were prepared to show their national dress and dance. It was also an opportunity to remind students that racism in any form is not acceptable.
Easter is the most important part of the Christian calendar of events. As we move into the holiest of days. Easter Sunday is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Easter takes place three days after Jesus's death on Good Friday. This holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ” series of events that began with Ash Wednesday. Through Jesus’ death on the Cross, we have been granted the opportunity to make a fresh start, with all the joy and choices that honor God.
The Easter bunny legend began in Germany. The Easter bunny legend dates back to pre-Christian Germany. It really does not have a significant link to Easter, but as people spread across Europe, this tradition blended with the Christian holy days which sees the Easter Bunny lays chocolate eggs for children on Easter Sunday.