Hello everyone! We have reached the end of Term 1! Can you believe it?! Some of our other themes this term have been the ‘Last week of Summer’, ‘ Lego ‘, ‘National Sea/St Patrick’s Day’, ‘Harmony Week’ and lastly to finish it off, ‘Easter’. We have had a range of different activities, cooking, crafts, sports and discovery.
Some of our highlights have been making lego iced biscuits, sensory bottles, Easter activity competitions and learning about everyone’s cultures. We continue to welcome new children and families to our Kelly Club group which has been super exciting. With school holidays just around the corner, we have some awesome activities planned for your children.
We encourage families to please make their bookings as soon as possible as spots are limited. We are very excited to welcome back the children who attend the program during this time from other schools, and welcome some of the new children who will be attending.
Email: aitken@kellycluboshc.com.au
Venue Phone: 0467 772 667