From the Acting Head of Junior School

Mrs Virginia Milliken 

Working as a team to support learning

Each new year marks the transition of your child to the next level in their schooling and another year in your partnership with Kinross Wolaroi School.   


Over the initial weeks of this year, the Learning Enhancement Team, coordinated by Mrs Brooke Church, has been working with classroom teachers in assessing students, as well as engaging in discussions with staff and parents. Our aim at Kinross Wolaroi is to provide meaningful and equitable access to the curriculum for all students. By enhancing the motivation to learn from multiple perspectives, through collaborative teaching approaches, our goal is to provide positive outcomes for all students. These outcomes include improved academic and social skills, increased self-esteem, and positive relationships with others in the community. 


At Kinross Wolaroi we differentiate the curriculum. All teachers conduct assessments, from which strategies are developed, to best meet individual needs. Differentiation is a targeted process that involves forward planning, programming and instruction. It involves the use of teaching, learning and assessment strategies that are fair and flexible, provide an appropriate level of challenge, and engage students in learning in meaningful ways. Differentiated programming recognises an interrelationship between teaching, learning and assessment that informs future teaching and learning.  


Junior School staff continue to closely monitor and track student growth through the continuous analysis and discussion of data. This term we have focussed on our oral reading fluency data. Oral reading fluency is a critical component of students reading comprehension. This data supports teachers to modify our teaching and learning in the classroom. 

Winter Sport and Uniforms 

In readiness for the start of the winter sports season it is important that all of our Sport Teams present on the field in the correct team uniform. Thank you to families who have already purchased uniforms according to the winter sport note. Please contact Junior School Reception if you have any questions about your team sports uniform.  

Easter Chapel and Induction Ceremony 

Last week our Student Representative Council (SRC) led a lovely Easter service conducted by our School Chaplain, Rev. Sally Yabsley-Bell. This important Easter chapel included a multi-media Easter video that was thoughtfully created by our Year 4 students. 


This week, we formally inducted Rev. Sally as our Chaplain to the Kinross Wolaroi Community. To commemorate this important date in the calendar, we blessed our Junior School cross which was made for us by one of our fabulous Bus Drivers, Mr Sebastian Gaudiosi.


As we move towards the end of the term, I would like to wish all families and staff a well-deserved break. A time to rest, recharge and refresh in readiness for the start of Term 2.