Disability Inclusion 

Ms Garcia

Inclusion Leader

Cranbourne Secondary College is excited to introduce Disability Inclusion, a new approach to help us improve support for students with disability and build a more inclusive school for all our students. We will continue to model and foster being “Intentionally Inclusive” in our teaching practice, assessment practice, physical environment, activities/excursions, behaviour support practices and our school culture.


Inclusive schools have better outcomes in learning, engagement and wellbeing for all students. Disability Inclusion will help our school better understand what our students need to help them learn, through:     

  • a new funding model with more investment    
  • a new strength-based process called the Disability Inclusion Profile to help identify the student’s goals, needs and adjustments we can make to assist students’ learning, participation and engagement at school.     
  • more training and coaching for teachers and school staff about the best ways to support student learning.

The Disability Inclusion Profile (DIP)

The Disability Inclusion Profile will help us find out more about your child’s strengths and needs. It will inform personalised funding allocations and help us plan student learning and any adjustments a student may need to learn and participate at school. The new Disability Inclusion Profile process will replace the Educational Needs Questionnaire that was used as a part of the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). As we transition over the next three years, families of students who are part of the PSD will be asked to attend a meeting to complete a Disability Inclusion Profile. People who know your child will be involved in the meeting, along with an independent, trained facilitator who will help our school and families complete the profile.


If your child is part of the PSD, we will work with you to find the most suitable time to complete their profile. The profile will also be available to a broader group of students with disability. We will identify students who are not currently part of the PSD, who may benefit from a Disability Inclusion Profile. If we consider that your child’s education will benefit from having a profile, we will contact you.