Student Voice

I wonder who the House Captains have selected for next Monday's award? 

We'll find out on Monday at assembly!

House Captains and Houses

Your questions answered.

Scroll through the slideshow for information.

Water Watchers Incursion - Year 2

Meet the Water Watchers


After their home planet was drained by evil Water Wasters, they set off to find a new planet with fresh flowing water. Now, they’re here to remind all Earthlings about why it’s so important to save water and all the different ways we can do it. By working together, we can protect our beautiful planet and its precious water supply. H20, here we go!

Below are some of the write ups from the Year 2 students.

The Magnificent Melbourne Museum Excursion - Year 4

Click on and scroll through the images of some amazing write ups by the Year 4 students of their recent excursion to the Melbourne Museum.

The 58th Begonia Open Chess Tournament

Congratulations William!


“Dear IPS teachers and students,


I have some exciting news to share with you all! 


Over the long weekend, I participated in the 58th Begonia Open Chess Tournament in Ballarat. During the tournament, I had the privilege of meeting Ian Rogers, the first-ever grandmaster born and raised in Australia. He earned this Grandmaster title in 1985 and currently lives in Sydney. 


Additionally, I met David Cannon who won the U10, U16, and U18 Australian Junior Champion titles in 2011, 2016, and 2018. David achieved the title of International Master in 2023. Interestingly, both Ian and David are graduates of Ivanhoe Primary School and were members of IPS chess club. I hope Ian can come and visit our school again. 


Go IPS, we are the best school!!"


William L 3M 

Year 3 Nude Food

Look at 3J's fantastic nudie foodie lunchboxes! 


We have 100% of students 21/21 bringing nude food today! Here are some examples of how you can bring Nude Food to school each day. 

House Captain Awards

Congratulations Cara!

I wonder who the HHouse Captains have selected for next Monday's award?