Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric| Year 5 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator

Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher

MacKillop AFL Trial


The MacKillop AFL Trials were held on Tuesday 26 March 2024 in Wagga Wagga. We are very proud to announce that Archer W (Year 6) was successful in making this team. The OLF community wishes you the best of luck for the next competition!


The OLF swimmers had a very successful MacKillop Swimming Championships, where the senior boys' relay teams placed 3rd and the girls' senior relay team placed 5th. Both the junior boys and girls relay teams claimed the gold medal and were crowned the Catholic state champions! 


Congratulations to the following students who will now compete at the NSW PSSA Swimming Championships on Thursday and Friday: April C, Asher H, Braxton B, Cooper S, Fleur L, Hunter B, Luca F, Luke B, Max M, Matilda A, Mia B and Xavier H. We wish them all the best!

OLF Cross Country Trial

Boys and girls from Year 2-6 ran in the annual OLF Cross Country Trial on Thursday. They ran between 2 km and 3 km around Glenn McGrath Oval and Breen Park. All the students ran as fast as they could to beat the rain. We are very proud of all the students who participated and earned points for the colour house. 


Congratulations to the following students who placed top 4 in their age division. These students will travel to Eastern Creek to compete in the Sydney Cross Country Championships next term.



8/9 Years

10 Years

11 Years

12/13 Years


Archer B

Mateo P

Luke G

Luka L

Batiste G

Hunter B

Atticus I

Henry R

Archie C

Lincoln B

Anson V

Oliver R

Joshua B

Harry I

Jesse G

Rory P


Indie M

Evie T

Imogen V

Zoe D

Mia B

Annabelle S

Marley C

Maddison L

Alexis D

Georgie E

Nina F

Grace M

Chelsea G

Giselle B

Addison M

Chloe R

Sydney Soccer Trial

We are very proud of the 5 boys and girls from Stage 3 who competed at the recent Sydney Soccer Trial held at Macquarie University. A huge congratulations to Chelsea G, Rory P and Eddie F who were selected in the team and will now attend the MacKillop Trial in May. We wish you both the best of luck at the next level. 

Stage 3 Interschool Netball Gala Day

The weather looked after the students who competed at the Interschool Sport Netball Gala Day, with thankfully no rain at Bellingara Netball Complex. The Stage 3 boys and girls selected had a lot of fun playing multiple games against other schools in our conference. Below are the results from the competition: 


Level 1 Girls: 3rd

Level 1 Boys: 4th 

Level 2 Girls: 3rd

Level 2 Boys: 5th 


Well done to all the students who participated with sportsmanship and school spirit. We would like to thank the parents who volunteered to coach the teams. Days like these can’t go ahead without your help, so a huge thank you to you all! 

Sydney Rugby League Trial

The Sydney Rugby League Trials were rescheduled and held on Wednesday. Despite the cold weather, the Year 5 and 6 boys played their best against the top Rugby League players in Sydney. Well done Nash, Ryan, Alby, Taio, Mac, Wade and Alex. We can’t wait to hear the results of the trial once they are announced. 

Year 3 Interschool Soccer Gala Day

The students in Year 3 participated in the Interschool Soccer Gala Day this week. The teachers were very proud of the student's skills and sportsmanship they displayed. All students played in great spirits and were inclusive of everyone. They had a load of fun and were grateful for the opportunity to participate. The students in Year 5 are looking forward to their opportunity next term. 






Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator