Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

ANZAC Day Service

Each year the families and students of OLF have been invited to join in the ANZAC Day Dawn Service held here in Caringbah.


Once again, we are hoping that many of you will take up the invitation to join this year’s observance of ANZAC day on the 25th April.


The Service is organised by the Caringbah RSL Sub Branch and will be held at the War Memorial Park, cnr .of Port Hacking Road and Kingsway Caringbah. The Service will commence at 4.20am.   A March of Service and Ex-Service personnel will leave the corner of Kingsway and Denman Ave at 4.10am. 


You are most welcome to join other members of the OLF community at this Dawn Service. During the Service a wreath will be laid by some of our student representatives.

ANZAC Day Liturgy

As a school we will commemorate ANZAC day with a Liturgy when we return from school holidays on Monday 29th April at 10am-10:45am

The Church Liturgical Season of Easter 

The Church Liturgical Season of Easter extends fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday - 19th May. During this season you will notice that in classroom prayer spaces and the Church the colour of vestments and cloths has changed from purple to white or gold. These colours represent joy and festivity. White also symbolises the Resurrection. 

Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day Mass and Procession Invitation


The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Sunday 30th June at 12pm and 2.30pm


Please note the following dates:

Enrolment Commitment Mass: Saturday 18th May : 5pm

Confirmation sessions: All commence at 5.30pm

Session 1: 12th or 13th June 

Session 2: 19th or 20th June

Session 3: 26th or 27th June

Grade Masses

During the term, Years 3-6 have the opportunity to attend the 9.15am Friday Parish Mass. You are most welcome to attend any of these Masses and to join in celebrating the Eucharist with whatever grade is attending on that day. 


The dates for the grade Masses next term are: 

Year 5:  Friday 3rd May

Year 3:  Friday 17th May

Year 4:  Friday 31st May

Year 6:  Friday 7th June

Year 5:  Friday 14th June

Year 3:  Friday 28th June


Mothers’ Day Liturgy and Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day 

With these two significant days being so close together, a BIG celebration of both is being planned for Monday - 13th May.  It promises to be loads of fun for the students, a tribute to Mothers and a time to celebrate US - the faith community of Our Lady of Fatima. 


9.00am - Mother's Day Liturgy & Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day on the top playground

10:00am - Open Classrooms K-6

10:30am - Mother's Day Morning Tea on Fatima Forum

11:00am - You are also welcome to stay for recess with your children on this day. 



Finally …..

I wanted to let you know that next term I am taking some long service. During this time Mrs Monica Da Silva will step into the role of Acting Religious Education Coordinator. I know you will make her welcome.


For me, it will be a chance to spend a bit more precious time with my 96 year old Mum, my husband Peter and my family.  


Please know that the families of OLF are always in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to hearing about all that the term brings.


God bless and have a safe holiday together as a family.



Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator