School News and Information 

Stage 3 News

Stage 3 was very fortunate this week to have Lucy from NERAM visit and teach us about various artistic styles.  The students participated in a range of art activities.

Leah Bullen, who also came with NERAM, is an artist.  She spoke about printmaking and painting, especially using watercolours to make a landscape.  We learnt about the elements needed to create an original artwork, such as using composition in organising our shapes and colours to make our artwork interesting and original.

In a landscape we have a foreground, midground and background and we learnt about how we could organise our artwork to include all these aspects.  We learnt (in detail) about perspective and how it is important in a 2-dimensional artwork to give the illusion of a 3-dimensional picture. The ladies explained a horizon line and where we could place it on our landscapes to change the perspective. We also learnt about the vanishing points which are smaller and in the background. We had a chance to create our own landscape watercolour painting demonstrating these elements.


Stage 3 have also been practising their drama skills. The children have been involved in two types of activities: script-writing for a performance and mime.

In the script-writing activity, the children were given the beginning of a script which they had to collaboratively create an exciting ending for. The 5/6 Emus are currently working on this activity and will present their dramas in the next week. The students will concentrate on communicating their ideas and dramatic actions into their plays, particularly focusing on the use of voice, movement, tension, space and timing. We can’t wait to see what the students have produced.




In the 5/6 Dingoes, the students have been learning about how to create a machine with their bodies. They have planned, created and performed their machines showing creativity and working well as a team.  We even created a whole class machine!


We have also studied the origins of mime and created our own mime stories which we will present next week.  We are focusing on facial expression and movement, in particular.


Mrs Townsend & Mrs Bull


Our Term 1, Week 6 You Can Do It Champions!

Kindergarten Koalas

Freya received her You Can Do It award for always staying on task and listening carefully.

Stage 1 Magpies

Odin received his You Can Do It award for working hard at being punctual to class.

Stage 1 Possums

Lucy received her You Can Do It award for being a punctual and persistent Possum. Well done, Lucy!

3/4 Bilbies

Aiden received his You Can Do It award for displaying resilience and good sportsmanship during our PE lessons.

3/4 Wombats

Samara received her You Can Do It award for being a persistent and resilient learner each and every day.

5/6 Emus

Pippa received her You Can Do It award for being a wonderful role model for all students both academically and socially.

5/6 Dingoes 

Ewan received his You Can Do It award for always calmly discussing his concerns in an open and honest manner.






Congratulations Merit Award Winners!

