From the Principal's Desk


This week is NAPLAN assessment week.  NAPLAN is for students in Years 3 and 5 only. Today they completed the writing and reading components of the assessment.  Tomorrow they will do the conventions of language component and numeracy.  Any students who are away will be given the opportunity to sit the assessment when they return.


We don’t want children to be anxious about this week so please let your child know how proud of them you are, and we know that they will try their best.  It is a snapshot of one assessment. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher interviews will be held next week.  Bookings are to be made through COMPASS.  This is an opportunity for you to discuss your child's progress to date, areas of strength, and areas for development.


Year 6 into Year 7 Expression of Interest


To enrol your child in Year 7 for 2025, you will need to complete an Expression of Interest for Year 6 to Year 7 transition. The Expression of Interest (EOI) lets you indicate which school(s) you would like your child to attend in Year 7.


The EOI process will be available on the school website under the Enrolment tab, Moving to Highschool (


After you submit an EOI and it has been assessed, your child will be offered a place at a high school.


If your child will not be attending a NSW Government high school next year, please let us know by completing a Placement Not Required form (this can also be found on the website under the Enrolment tab, Moving to Highschool (


If you are unsure whether they will be attending a NSW Government school (you’ve applied for a private school, or you are moving interstate), we ask that you still complete an EOI and follow up with your school once a decision has been made.


The online process will guide you through your options and collect the information required to make the process as smooth as possible.


Online submissions are due: 4th April 2024


This year we have an attendance target of 93%.  Our attendance rate for 2023 was 92.62% so the 0.38% increase does not seem much.  To help the school achieve this target it is important that your child attends every day.  Yes, I understand that some days your child may wake up tired and cranky and want to stay home.  I know how they feel!  Regardless, they need to come to school. 


We are currently sitting on an attendance rate of 92.2%. Our average attendance rate for each week has been:

  •  Week 1 - 92.9%
  • Week 2 - 92.9%
  • Week 3 - 94.2%
  • Week 4 - 87.9%
  • Week 5 - 92.1%
  • Week 6 - 94%

North West Swimming Champions

Once again Martin's Gully students had a very successful carnival.  Eily, Nixon and Lia will now attend the State Championships at Homebush at the end of the term for individual events,  accompanied by our senior girls relay team who finished third.  Other students performed admirably and were supported by their very vocal parents.


Zone Cricket

Congratulations to Jake who has been selected to represent the Armidale Zone in cricket at the North West trials.  This Friday hockey trials are on.

Whole school disco

A reminder that the SRC will be running a whole school disco this Thursday 14 March.  Cost will be $5 per child which needs to be paid on the night.  This goes towards a popper and packet of chips.  Any additional money raised will go towards Ronald McDonald House, a charity nominated by the SRC.  The disco will start at 5.30pm and conclude at 7.00pm.  The theme for the disco is CRAZY!!  This could be CRAZY hair or CRAZY clothes. 


Easter Hat Parade and Raffle

The Easter Hat Parade is on Thursday 28th March at 9.00am. The expectation is that the hats are made at home.  Students in K-2 will have the opportunity to make a simple hat in class that they could use. Parents/Grandparents are welcome to attend wearing their Easter Hats.


In the meantime, the P & C are holding an easter egg raffle.  Raffle tickets have been sent home.  The P&C are calling for donations of Easter items for the raffle.  These can be left at the office.

You Can Do It - Getting Along

Getting Along means working well with others, solving problems without getting too angry, following rules and making positive contribution to school, home and the community including protecting the rights of others and looking after the environment.


Positive Habits of the Mind that develop Getting Along behaviour in a young person include:

· Being Tolerant of Others– accepting that everyone acts unfairly towards others some of the time, and not making judgments of people’s character based on their differences or behaviour.

· Thinking First– thinking that when someone treats me badly, I need to think about different ways I can react, the consequences of each, and the impact of my actions on the other person’s feelings.

· Playing by the Rules– thinking that by following important school and home rules, I will live in a better world where everyone’s rights are protected.

Social Responsibility– thinking that it is important to be caring, try hard to do my best, to be fair to others, to be honest and tell the truth, respect and include others who are different.

What’s Happening Term 1:

This calendar of events will be updated and published each week.  Some events may change, so please access the latest version.


Week 8

NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5 students only (all week if required)

Friday 22nd March - Whole School Assembly - Stage 1 Presenting (12:30pm start)

Friday 22nd March - PSSA Touch Football trials


Week 9

Thursday 28th March - Easter Hat Parade - 9.00am


Week 10

Thursday 4th April - Da Vinci Decathlon - Year 5&6 students

Friday 5th April - Whole School Assembly - Kindergarten Presenting (12:30pm start)

Friday 5th April - Stage 3 Armidale Community of Schools Slime Afternoon - Newling PS

Saturday 6th April - Autumn Festival Parade


Week 11

Friday 12th April - Last Day Term 1. School resumes for students on Tuesday 30th April.





Ian Reeves
