Learning and Teaching

Harmony Day

At St. Therese's we celebrate the diversity in our community in a particular way on Harmony Day. We celebrate the richness of human diversity because we believe that every person is made in the image and likeness of God, and as such, are all valued, welcomed, and celebrated as members of our community.


Tomorrow (Thursday 21st March), we are celebrating Harmony Day with whole school prayer, sharing stories celebrating diversity, wearing orange, and in the senior units, a diversity panel exploring the experiences of members of our community from diverse backgrounds.


Students are asked to wear a TOUCH OF ORANGE (e.g. orange hair tie or socks) on Thursday in acknowledgment of Harmony Day.

Graduate Outcome Awards

At our Assembly last week, we congratulated several children on their efforts in displaying the Graduate Outcome of WISDOM. These students received a Graduate Outcome Award. 


Students who graduate from St Therese’s Primary School are people of WISDOM, who strive to achieve their full potential through a love of learning.


For the next fortnight, staff are on the lookout for students who display the Graduate Outcome of HOPE.

Swimming - Regional Champions

Congratulations to Riley, Sam, Harry, and Nathan who represented St Therese’s at today’s Regional Swimming Championship in Swan Hill.

The team won their freestyle relay and are heading to the State Championships at the beginning of Term 2!

Good luck team!

St. Therese's Cross Country

Our annual school Cross Country is taking place next MONDAY 25th March, 2024. 

As mentioned in the PAM permission form, it will be run in and around the school grounds this year. We understand that this is a change from previous years but several factors were considered in making this change, the most important being student safety and wellbeing. 

SEDA students and staff will be placed around the course to ensure a visual of all students at all times.


Students have been walking the new course in their PE lessons this week to familiarise themselves. 12/13 and 11 year olds will run 3 laps (3 km) of the course and 10 and 8/9 year olds will run 2 laps (2 km). Students in Junior levels will run a course on the school grounds of varying distances depending on age.  


Students can dress up in their house colours but please be mindful they will need to run in their outfits. Spot prizes will be given out throughout the day to students who give their best, show team spirit, encourage others and work outside their comfort zone. 


Parents, Grandparents and friends are welcome to come and cheer on the runners on either the quadrangle or grassed area near the rocket ship staircase. Parking will not be available at school as these driveways will be closed for the duration of the event. 

Grade 6 Camp Reflections

Our Grade 6 students enjoyed their Camp from the 4th to the 6th March. Students and staff went to the Alexandra Adventure Resort and enjoyed activities such as swimming, raft building, high ropes course, giant swing, and the flying fox. The camp was a great opportunity for our student leaders to develop their leadership and teamwork skills. 

A special thank you to the students for their enthusiasm and engagement throughout the camp, and our Staff who took time away from their families, cared for the St Therese's students, and facilitated an awesome camp.


Student reflections:  


My favourite activity that I did at camp was the flying fox because it was fun going down the flying fox really fast and going upside down! ~ Logan


My favourite activity was the high ropes course because it was fun and you got to encourage people while you were up there  ~ Jye


My favourite part about camp would be the cabins because we got to be in one with people we don't normally talk to. It was nice to learn more about people that I don't know. ~ Xavier 


My favourite thing about camp was catching up with friends that aren't in my class this year. ~ Ebony


My favourite experience at camp was the food because I tried things that I didn't think I'd like but I did and now I have them at home! ~ Bella


My favourite thing about camp was how encouraging people were and nice to others. This happened everywhere but especially during the high ropes course. ~ Anthony