Catholic Identity

Casual Clothes and Coin Line for Project Compassion

On Tuesday the 26th of March all students are invited to wear casual clothes and make a gold coin donation (or equivalent in small change) to Project Compassion.


The students will also participate in a coin line competition, where the classes will see who can make the largest coin line with the donated coins from Project Compassion Appeal. Any small change rolling around in your car is welcomed.



Project Compassion Donation Boxes -Returns


At the beginning of Lent, each family received a Project Compassion coin donation box. As the term and the Project Compassion appeal draw to a close, we ask that all boxes containing donations be returned to your child's classroom teacher by Friday the 22nd of March. 

If you require a receipt you may fill in the slip on the box, which will be forwarded to Caritas Australia.

Memory's Story - Project Compassion

Memory is 26 years old and lives in rural Malawi. As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory had to take on many household chores and farming activities to support her parents. They struggled to pay for Memory’s school fees and school supplies, and Memory often had to walk to school barefooted. 

With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Memory was able to enrol at a technical college where she learnt technical skills in carpentry. She undertook a three-year carpentry course, with CADECOM supporting part of her tuition and boarding fees. 


Memory became the first female carpenter from her village. Today, she works as a carpenter at one of Malawi’s largest hydroelectric power stations. With the income from her job, she can provide financial support to her family and inspire other young women in her community so that they may have the opportunity to succeed in a male-dominated industry. 

Watch Memory’s Story

Stations of the Cross at St. Therese's 


You are invited to join us in praying the Stations of the Cross on Thursday 28th of March.

Stations of the Cross, traditionally prayed on Good Friday, recall the love and suffering of Jesus through fourteen events in the journey of Jesus from arrest to crucifixion and burial. Stations of the cross help us to prayerfully prepare to celebrate Jesus's resurrection at Easter. 


Where: Altiumburra  (Green Courts)

When: Thursday 28th of March, 12:00 pm

Who: Whole School, led by Senior 6 Cole