Message from 

the Principal

Message from the Principal

Dar Families,


The end of term is fast approaching, and I  have a lot to be grateful for. The biggest and most important one is your children. They have had an enormous term. In just nine weeks, they have participated in various beginning of the year assessments, NAPLAN, swimming carnivals, liturgies and settled into new classrooms, friendship groups, and routines.   

My great hope is that we finish strong. I can see that they are tired, and ready for the holidays, but it is important that we finish on a positive note.   Sleep, dinner around the table, limited screentime and routine are the best ways to keep things on an even keel.

Thank you for your support.


I wish each family a holy, happy, and safe Easter Season and look forward to seeing you all again in Term 2. 

                                            Term 1 Ends: Thursday, 28th March, 2:30 pm 

Term 2 Commences: Monday, 15th, April,  8:50 am 


2025 Foundation Enrolments

If you have a child who will start the Foundation in 2025, please inform the Office and collect an Enrolment Form.   


Enrolment Information for New Families: 

Enrolments open on Monday, 15th April, 2024  and close on Friday 24th May

Information Evening:   Tuesday 7th May @ 7pm

School Tours:

Wednesday 8th May 9:15 am  & 5pm

Thursday, 9th May, 9:15 am

Thursday 16th May, 9:15 am 

Talented Staff

Recently many of our staff came together for a Piccaso Evening.  What a talented bunch they are...



Grow in the Likeness of God Award.

Each fortnight, I will award a member (or three) from our community this award based on our theme for 2024:   Grow in the Likeness of God.


This week's recipients are Eden and Perry. 


These girls take the time at the end of each P.E. session to thank Mrs Woods for the lesson and always participate in a positive and inclusive way.   This is a great example of our RESPECT and HOPE Graduate Outcomes.   Thank you for all you do to make our school a place of gratitude and kindness.


Donations Required: Easter Eggs!

It's time for our annual Easter Raffle. We'd like families to donate an Easter Egg or Easter-related product to be used to create our prizes.

Donations can be given to the Office.

Tickets can be purchased by scanning the QR code on the flyer below that was also sent home with all students on Friday.