Our Faith - Religious Education

Pray with HOPE is the 2024 theme for Catholic Schools.
Friday is the feast day of Mary, Help of Christians and has been celebrated in Australia since 1844. The young church in Australia had a special reason for turning to Mary. Mass was not allowed until 1820. It was largely the Rosary in those early days of the Church, that kept the faith alive. Catholic Australia remained faithful to Mary and was the first nation to choose her under the title Help of Christians, as their national Patroness.
(Painting by artist Paul Newton)
Mini Vinnies
Congratulations to our Mini Vinnies students who made their pledge and received their badges this term. These students are determined to make a difference in this world and their ideas continue to inspire us all.
At present, our Mini Vinnies group are working on a plan for our Winter Appeal.
Confirmation Congratulations
Congratulations to the following students on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday -
Samuel Abbott
Zachary Bramble
Tashabelle Cawley
Allie Clark
Charles Cox
Eleanor Flannery
Lucy Kelly
Xavier Kelly
Imogen Kelso
Kaitlin Kirk
Raniel Pabalan
Harley Paton
Harry Rice
Henry Rice
Caitlin Rogers
Liam Rogers
Jake Siddell
Khloe Turner
Zachary Wanschers
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and strengthen you on your journey.
Eucharist Congratulations
At our Confirmation Mass last Sunday, we also celebrated the First Holy Communion of Xavier Kelly & Kaitlin Kirk.
Catholic Schools Week Mass
Next Thursday Year 6 will represent St Mary's at the Catholic Schools Week Mass. This special mass will see a number of schools from our diocese gather together to celebrate the importance of our catholic schools.
Our Year 6 students will travel by bus to O'Connor (De La Salle Chapel) for Mass at 11am.
Term 2 Dates
Mary Help Of Christians - 24 May
Catholic Schools Week - Week 6 - 13 June
CSNSW State Aboriginal Conference Message Stick St Mary's Week 7 -10 June
Year 6 RE Test - Week 8 - 17 June
Parish Masses at OLA Chapel - Friday at 9:15am
Thank you Father Paul Anthony and Father Damien for celebrating our Parish Mass with the following classes -
24/5/24 | Wk 4 | Year 5 |
31/5/24 | Wk 5 | Year 4 |
7/6/24 | Wk 6 | - |
14/6/24 | Wk 7 | Year 2 |
21/6/24 | Wk 8 | Year 1 |
28/6/24 | Wk 9 | Kindergarten |
Sacraments 2024
First Reconciliation & First Eucharist: Term 3, Date to be set.
Our Cathedral
Major works continue to be undertaken on the Cathedral roof and spire following damage during the 2021 tornado. Please pray for the labourers who are working hard to return our cherished Cathedral (hopefully) before the end of the year!
Laudato Si Week
Laudato Si Week
Sr Mary-Ann Casanova PhD this year marks the ninth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical to every person living on this planet. Seeds of Hope is the chosen theme of the weeklong Laudato Si’ celebration. We are invited to be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, and to be rooted in the Christian virtues of faith, hope and love.
Faith, hope and love form part of the moral compass for Christians. Faith connects our intellect and our heart and fuels us to act for God in our daily lives. Hope builds our inner strength and perseverance as we work towards futures which more closely reflect God’s plan for the creation. The virtue of love calls us into relationship with one another, all of creation and with our God.
Laudato Si’ Week is an invitation to pay attention to the expressions of faith, hope and love in our world and in our daily living. A brief reflection based on a direct quote from Pope Francis’ letter will be provided for each of the seven days.
Diocesan Prayer Card