Faith, Justice and Formation

Year 8 Reflection Days
Last week our Year 8 boys participated in a Reflection Day as part of our Faith and Formation Program. These days are an important opportunity to step away from the business of our everyday lives at school and to spend time building our sense of who we are, our relationships with each other, and our relationship with God. In Year 8 the focus of our Reflection Day is on the EREA Touchstone of Inclusive Community. The theme of the day was “The qualities I value in others and myself.” As part of this theme, we seek to recognise that there is more to people than what we see on the surface; to put a name to the values we admire in others; to recognise some of the values or qualities that we have ourselves; and to work cooperatively with others.
I would like to congratulate the boys of Year 8 for the way in which they participated with open minds and open hearts and shared so willingly with each other. The challenge for them now is to bring those insights that they gained about themselves and others back to school with them and to commit each other to greater tolerance, inclusion, and an understanding of each other so that we can continue to build a positive community.
I would like to express my gratitude to both Mr Biviano and Mr Youssef for their preparation and leadership of this day. There is a great deal involved and its success is due to those who lead it.
Father’s Day Mass and Morning Tea RSVP
On behalf of the College Principal, Dr Lavorato, I would like to invite all fathers or carers of current students to our Father’s Day Mass that will be held in the College Gymnasium on Friday 1 September 2023. This Mass is a wonderful annual occasion when we invite all of our dads to the College to celebrate and give thanks for the importance of our dads in our lives.
There will be two Masses depending on the House your son belongs to:
- 7:45 AM Hanrahan, Hickey and Rice
- 9:30 AM Berg, Coghlan and Crichton
Morning Tea will be served for fathers/grandfathers only in the Robson Auditorium in between the two Masses.
If you would like to attend, please use this link to complete the RSVP form.
Year 12 Spirituality Day
Year 12 students will be involved in the Year 12 Spirituality Day to be held on Friday 25 August. The purpose of this day is to follow up on the Senior Retreat and look at ways each student can explore their faith and spirituality in the future. More specific details of this event can be found in the Year 12 Spirituality Day Booklet that is available on the Year 12 page on CANVAS.
The students have already selected from a range of different options and have been assigned to a particular group for the day. Each group has a different starting time and location. Parents/carers are asked to read the information and give consent for your son to participate via the TASS Parent Lounge.
Attendance at this College activity is compulsory. It will be a slightly longer day than usual. Whichever activity they take part in they all need to return to school at the end of the day. Food will be provided back at school at the end of the day. This coming together as a cohort is an important feature of the day. They will all be dismissed by 5:30 PM.
Parents/carers must give consent for this excursion via the TASS Parent Lounge by Friday 18 August.
Raising Fathers Evening
In an age where there is a training manual to do almost everything, there is still no manual, map or compass to carry out one of the most important and impacting tasks on earth – Fathering! Join us for a Raising Fathers Evening as we unpack practical advice and share stories that are powerfully important, impacting, informative and instructional for fathering in today’s world.
This is a partnership of the Sydney Centre of Evangelisation's Maximus Men’s Ministry Network, Robert Falzon and menAlive.
To register please visit:
Date: Thursday 31 August 2023
Venue: Scientia Building, Level 2
Time: 6:00 PM for 6:30 PM start to 8:00 PM
All fathers and father figures are welcome. Tickets are free but need to be registered through Please use the QR code on the information below.
Robert Falzon is a husband, father, businessman, published author and co-founder of menALIVE. He has been awarded many business accolades including:
- Australian Marketing Institute Marketer of the Year
- Telstra QLD Small Business of the Year
- Australian Institute of Management Owner Manager of the Year and
- Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist.
In 2007, Robert sold his primary manufacturing business to focus in a full-time volunteer capacity on working with men through menALIVE - a National Catholic Ministry to Men. Since the founding of menALIVE in 2003, this work has delivered 450 events across 26 dioceses and numerous schools in Australia and New Zealand reaching more than 30,000 men.
Adam Leslie
Acting Director of Identity