
“Without data, you're just another person with an opinion.” ― W. Edwards Deming
Annual Surveys
Our school is once again using the Perspectives: Your School in Focus suite of surveys developed by AISNSW to support our school improvement endeavours. The information gathered will assist in furthering the growth and development of our school community. We will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
These surveys have been specifically designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of stakeholders’ perceptions of five important areas: School Environment, Teaching and Learning, Student Wellbeing, Leadership and Community. All staff, students, parents/carers, leaders and council members will be invited to participate.
The surveys will be available next week from Monday 21 August 2023 to 3 September and are conducted online, taking approximately 15 - 20 minutes to complete. The survey link will be distributed via email to all from on behalf of the school.
Your input and contribution are important to the success of our continuous school improvement process as we aspire to improve the learning experience for everyone at our school.
For any enquiries about the surveys please contact the College for more details.
Home-College Communication
Of late, my office has received requests for meeting with me however, they are matters that I have little detail about. These requests, in the first instance, will be re-directed to the person in the College who deals in that area. It ensures you receive a timely response.
It is also a good time to remind parents/carers of their code of conduct when liaising with the College.
Area | Initially | Then | Finally |
Curriculum | The Subject Teacher (Secondary) or the Class Teacher (Junior School) on aspects of your son's progress in a particular subject area, the content of a particular subject, performance in a particular assessment, conduct in a particular class | Heads of Faculties [p](Secondary) or the Junior School Curriculum Coordinator in matters such as placement of pupils in classes, overall assessment/testing policies, teaching programs. All the contacts are listed in the SPC App | The Director of Curriculum or Director of Junior School on matters such as formation of classes, a boy's overall curriculum pattern, College assessment/testing policy, selection of subjects |
Wellbeing | The Homeroom Teacher (Secondary) or the Class Teacher (Junior School) on particular aspects of your son's overall academic, social, physical and spiritual development within a particular year, including matters such as discipline, peer relationships, attendance | The Year Coordinators (Secondary) on ongoing aspects of your son's overall academic, social, physical and spiritual development within a particular year including matters such as discipline, peer relationships, attendance, teacher-pupil interaction. Also available are the Careers Advisor and College Counsellors | The Deputy Principal, Director of Wellbeing or the Director of Junior School |
Sport | The team coach on particular matters relating to team training sessions, team expectations, selections and venues | The Head of Secondary Sport or the Junior School Sports Coordinator on general College policy relating to co-curricular and extra-curricular expectations, sports played, selection | The Director of Co-Curricular |
Fees/ Finance | The finance office on particular questions relating to school fee accounts | The Director of Business Services on general College financial policy, all matters relating to fee accounts | |
Public Transport | The College Receptionist for bus/train enquiries | Deputy Principal |
Raising Concerns and Resolving Conflict
(Refer to the St Patrick’s College Complaints Handling Guide)
In raising concerns on behalf of your son, or making a complaint about the College’s practices or treatment of your child, we expect that you will:
- listen to your son but remember that a different ‘reality’ may exist elsewhere
- observe the College’s stated procedures for raising and resolving a grievance/complaint
- follow specified protocol for communication with staff members, including making appointments at a mutually convenient time and communicating your concerns in a constructive manner
- refrain from approaching another student while in the care of the school to discuss or chastise them
- because of actions towards your son. Refer the matter directly to your son’s homeroom teacher for follow-up and investigation by the school.
In responding to your concerns or a complaint, we expect that staff will:
- observe confidentiality and a respect for sensitive issues
- ensure your views and opinions are heard and understood
- communicate and respond in ways that are constructive, fair and respectful
- ensure a timely response to your concerns/complaint
- strive for resolutions and outcomes that are satisfactory to all parties.
Staff Safety and Wellbeing
The College places high value and priority on maintaining a safe and respectful working environment for our staff; everyone has a right to feel safe. We regard certain behaviours as harmful and unacceptable insofar as they compromise the safety and professional wellbeing of our staff. These behaviours include, but are not limited to:
- shouting or swearing, either in person or on the telephone
- physical or verbal intimidation
- aggressive hand gestures
- writing rude, defamatory, aggressive, or abusive comments to/about a staff member (emails/social media like WhatsApp)
- racist or sexist comments
- damage or violation of possessions/property.
When a parent/carer behaves in such unacceptable ways, the Principal or a Senior Staff member will seek to resolve the situation and repair relationships through discussion and/or mediation.
Where a parent’s/carer's behaviour is deemed likely to cause ongoing harm, distress or danger to the staff member and others, we may exercise our legal right to impose a temporary or permanent ban from the parent/carer entering the College premises.
In an extreme act of violence that causes physical harm to the staff member and his/her property, the matter may be reported to the police for investigation.
At St Patrick’s College, Strathfield, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. We aim to create a child-safe and child-friendly environment where children are free to enjoy life to the full without any concern for their safety. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice, and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel.
Sadly, Mr Byrne and I have been subjected to hostile behaviour and language from parents/carers who have an issue with certain policies (like hands-off rule, haircuts, co-curricular) or practices (Kiss and Ride directions) and cannot accept that for such a large school to work we, the educators, try to strive for fairness and consistency and ensure the boys learn that actions have consequences. As parents/carers, you act as one of the most influential role models in your child’s life. We therefore seek your support in promoting and upholding the core values of the College community and its culture of respectful relationships.
In Memoriam
We extend our thoughts and prayers to the family of Mrs Patricia Johnson, mother and grandmother to Old Boys of the College, who passed away yesterday. Patricia ran the Senior Canteen for almost twenty years between 1975-1994 and many Old Boys would remember her.
We also pray for the family of Liam Bortolussi (Year 5) who sadly lost his grandfather last Friday.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. |
Dr Vittoria Lavorato
SPC boys can do anything!
**except divide by zero