Assistant Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Assistant Principal
Dear OGPS families,
Welcome to our final newsletter for Term 3.
Ms. Ogilvie headed off to North America last week and from the photos and messages she has sent us it looks like she is having a fantastic time. We look forward to hearing about her wonderful trip when she returns at the beginning of Term 4.
Last week the Year 5 students returned from their Log Cabin camp in Ballarat. They braved a few nights of very cold conditions but had a great time participating in all the activities. It was great to hear the students pushed themselves to take on some of the challenging activities. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers and parents who gave up their time to make this camp possible. Thank you, Mr. Glenn Tooth, for organising, it is much appreciated.
As some of you may be aware, last week was Mrs. Alex Phillips final week with us. Very soon she is due to welcome a new addition to her family. We wish her all the best and look forward to getting a visit from her and baby after she arrives.
In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that Ms. Patti Coy (Spanish teacher) has stepped in and will be teaching 1AP until the end of the year. We appreciate Ms. Coy’s flexibility and know the students in 1AP will enjoy having her as their classroom teacher.
We are excited to announce that Ms. Carla Melo Perea will be joining us as our new Spanish teacher. Ms. Melo Perea, originates from Spain, we look forward to her sharing her background and culture to help enrich our LOTE program.
To our final farewell, we would like to wish Sarah Hawker all the best with her new endeavours. She has made the decision to move to a school closer to home. We would like to thank Sarah for her time here at Orchard Grove and know her bright and bubbly personality will be an asset to her new school and students.
Last night our three-way conferences began. It was great to see our students take pride in sharing their learning with their parents and teachers. These three-way conferences wrap up on Friday. There will be no regular classes on Friday, as students are required to attend the three-way conferences. However, if needed, the school will be operating an alternative program from 9am to 2:30pm.
Today is always one of my favourite days in the school calendar, footy day. It was fantastic to see so many students dressed in their favourite footy teams colours. I was especially impressed to see all the students dressed in navy blue and white, Go Blues!! The students took part in football activities in the morning and we had our annual footy parade after lunch, how lucky were we with the perfect weather. The students also enjoyed a sausage sizzle lunch today, so a big thank you goes out to the parents who came and helped with this.
Next term we look forward to the Fiesta. Our parent committee has been working very hard behind the scenes organising the event. One of their fundraisers was the golden wrist band rattle, we drew the winners at last week’s assembly. Congratulations to the lucky winners:
Antonella 3CP – double pass
Marcus 1BR
Sofia FBS
Amelia FMR
These students will receive a wrist band to go on all the rides at the Fiesta and be allowed to go to the front of the queues.
If you have been to the school recently you would have noticed all the Fiesta posters around the school advertising the silent auction. Please visit: and bid on some fantastic prizes. Get the chance to undertake some amazing experiences with our talented staff.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable break. We look forward to seeing you for a busy but exciting Term 4.
Kind Regards,
Andrew Moore
Assistant Principal