Upcoming Events

Important Dates

Please check the Parent Google Calendar for any changes that may occur after the newsletter has been produced. 

Week 6

Kindness Week

& Science Week 

Fri 18/08/2023

National Day of Action Against Bullying

& Call For Kindness:  WEAR YOUR ORANGE!

Walk to Gardiner Reserve, 12pm - 1:30pm

Counter Sales at the Canteen! 1:30pm

School Assembly, 2:45pm - 3:15pm

 Sat 19/08/2023Year 4 Eucharist Ceremony, 6pm
Sun 20/08/2023Year 4 Eucharist Ceremony, 11am

Week 7

Book Week

Tue 22/08/2023Advisory Council Meeting, 7pm
 Thu 24/08/2023

Book Week Parade, St Brigid's Hall, 9:15am

Lunch Order Day!

(Orders in by 9pm the night before)

 Fri 25/08/2023

Interschool Tennis

Counter Sales at the Canteen! 1:30pm

 Sat 26/08/2023Year 4 Eucharist Ceremony, 6pm
 Sun 27/08/2023Year 4 Eucharist Ceremony, 11am
Week 8Wed 30/08/2023Interschool Athletics
 Thu 31/08/2023

Father's Day Stall

Lunch Order Day!

(Orders in by 9pm the night before)

 Fri 01/09/2023

Funfilled Festival for

Fantastic and Fabulous Fathers, 9am - 10:45am

Counter Sales at the Canteen! 1:30pm

School Assembly, 2:45pm - 3:15pm