Year 8 News

Justin Chilver & Sam Hoffman | Year 8 Coordinators

On behalf of the Year 8 Team, we would like to thank the many families that took part in the Subject Selection Day. Aside from the benefits of finalising subject choices for 2024, it was a valuable opportunity for homeroom teachers to interact with students and parents to discuss how things are going for the students in their classes. If you were unable to attend the subject selection day, it is important that your child complete their subject selection paperwork with Mr Block at the Year 8 Office.


It is important during this cooler weather that students are wearing suitably warm clothing. Should your child be out of uniform, please let the Year 8 office know by sending a note with your child - we will then issue them with a uniform pass. Families who need support with the purchase of Horsham College uniforms should contact Year-level coordinators directly to discuss further.


A number of our Year 8 students are involved in this year’s school production, “Cinderella”. We would like to congratulate all the students who are involved as performers or backstage crew, from all reports it was an outstanding show. Congratulations.


Locker reminders 

We are noticing an increase in lockers being left unlocked, along with an increase in rubbish and food scraps in the area. It is the student's responsibility to look after their lockers and keep them locked to protect their belongings. We would like our Year 8 students to take more pride in this area and treat this area with greater respect. We have also noticed an increase in students using phones during recess/lunchtime or even having them on them in class. Students are reminded that phones MUST remain in their lockers during school hours and if caught using their phones or having their phones on them will result in an after-school detention.


Term reports

Last Friday,  Term 3 interim reports were released. This is a great opportunity for students to sit down with their parents/guardians and reflect on how they are going across their subjects and set some goals moving forward into term 4. Parent-teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday the 6th of September, so keep an eye out for details in the coming weeks on how to book appointments with your child’s teachers. We are well and truly into Term 3, a reminder to students to check in with all your classroom teachers on your progress and make sure you have submitted all work requirements and CATs. 


General Reminders:

  • Please keep the Year 8 locker area tidy.
  • Ensure that you make it to all classes on time and come prepared. (Diary, device (charged and with charger) & subject-specific materials)
  • Please remind your parents to contact the school if you are going to be absent.
  • Please keep phones in your locker during school hours.
  • Respect the Year 8 toilets


To ensure that students can stay focused and on-task we encourage students to bring their water bottles to every class and make sure that they are filled during their recess and lunch breaks. Unfortunately drinks such as soft drinks or milk drinks purchased from the canteen are not allowed in the classroom, these must be finished in the yard. 


School TV

A reminder that Horsham College has a schoolTV subscription and is a great resource for all family members to use. It can also be found on the HC website.


Have a great rest of Term 3 and keep up the outstanding work and effort!


Sam Hoffmann & Justin Chilver