Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

As the third term comes to a close, we are pleased with how well students are managing themselves and their workloads. Classes are making good progress with units of work and students are already working to complete a variety of assessment tasks across all subject areas. 


A reminder that Year 7s are required to carry their diaries to all classes and should also be bringing them home so they can access the important information they are asked to record in them. Parents and Guardians are reminded that the diary can be used to communicate with the school about things such as absences, uniform concerns or even requests for contact.


Another reminder that students are not to touch anyone’s locker or lock.

ALL LOCKERS MUST BE LOCKED. Mr Queale is issuing detentions for lockers without a lock. In addition to this, there have been a number of lockers vandalised this term and the area is now out of bounds at recess and lunch to minimise traffic in and out of the area.

If they are caught tampering or vandalising school property, there will be serious consequences. Lockers are a safe space for all and should be kept tidy and only used at the beginning and after classes.



Congratulations to Jack Toet, Keeley Schultz, Logan Henskes and Mia Perry for being awarded canteen vouchers in recognition of consistently displaying the school’s values over the last few weeks. It is great to see so many of the Year 7 students recognised for their efforts throughout the school- keep it up.


Year 7 classes are also being rewarded with their efforts this term by an afternoon at Horsham Lanes and Games. Thanks to Wayne for being so accommodating and allowing Horsham College access to their facilities. Shoutout to Miss Twadell for discovering her hidden talent of the nine-pin game!