

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer

Spring is in the air! With only a fortnight to go to the end of term. Football and netball finals are looming.


Parent-teacher interviews - Wednesday 6th September

A reminder that Parent-teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday 6th September. Please make an appointment to see your child’s teachers so you can discuss progress to date and goals moving forward. It is equally important that your child attends the interviews as the discussions are about them and empowering your child to take ownership of their learning and behaviours. This will be a student free day.


Term 3 - Interim reports

Interim reports have been released on seqta. Please ensure you look over these and have a conversation with your child. Talk through strategies to improve and celebrate any achievements. Bring along your interim report data to discuss at parent-teacher interviews.


Rubbish in the yard

Students continue to show pride in our school. However the fact that rubbish is still appearing in the yard, particularly around locker bays is disappointing and not in line with our college values. We are always looking for ideas to improve and prevent students from dropping rubbish in the first instance. We are continuing to work with the canteen, SRC and the school leadership team for ways to improve our learning environment. 


School Captains 2024

Last week we opened applications for School Captain for next year and were comforted by the fact that so many students felt it was something they wanted to apply for. Students had to complete a number of questions and have two teachers write character references about them. The applicants as part of the process then had to make a short video outlining why they would make a good School Captain. Over the next week or so, the study body will view these videos in form group and vote. The new college captains for 2024 will be announced to the students and staff and published to the college community in the next newsletter.


Year 12s

Save the date - Year 12 Valedictory Dinner - Friday 15th December.

More information to come in future newsletters.


School hats for Term 4

Just a reminder before the start of term 4 to dig out your school hat from term 1. New hats can be purchased from our administration office for $20.

Have a great week.


Shannon, Louise, Melissa and Liam