Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien


Having just received reports, some students might begin to question how they are moving forward with their studies. Sometimes we plan to study; we set up an appropriate place and make sure that we have allocated our time well and still we find that it is difficult to complete tasks even with the absolute best of intentions. To continue to be motivated to make regular study into a habit, you must regularly review your personal goals and reset new goals; ask yourself, “why is this important to me?” you need to know why you are studying. Then ask others around you to remind you of your goals or set reminders for yourself, surround yourself with people who have similar goals/are positive and if you hit a stumbling block don’t throw in the towel – just review and reset.  Remember to reward yourself when you achieve your goals, no matter how small. Good study habits are just like any other habit, they take time to form and you need to actively practise them until they are a regular feature of your lifestyle. 


Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor