Year 12 News

Kristen Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Well done on (almost) making it through Winter! Both students and staff alike are looking forward to more daylight hours and (hopefully) warmer, sunnier days.


It is wonderful to see many students working diligently to finalise their classwork/assessments and commence revision for their end of year exams.


For scored VCE students, a range of revision and practice examination sessions will be run throughout the third term break (18th – 29th October). Stay tuned for the timetable which will be published shortly.


Unscored VCE students are required to remain at school until they complete the work required to satisfy the outcomes for each subject. This will vary from student to student and depends on how much work remains owing. Remember to reach out to your teachers if you need clarification regarding what needs to be done or if you need additional support completing this.


The English revision sessions on Thursday afternoons have continued to be well attended. Students are encouraged to choose the session that best suits their individual needs (eg. Foundation, Stretch or Individual Support). Many thanks to our Year 12 English staff for providing this wonderful opportunity!


It is important for those intending to apply for a tertiary course that they have created a VTAC Account and submitted their course preferences. A reminder that Timely Applications close on the 28th of September. Please speak to the Year 12 Team if you need additional support with completing a SEAS application or collating documentation for scholarships.


For students who have recently received their driver’s licence, please remember to complete a permission to drive to school form. A reminder that you are only entitled to drive to and from school. At no stage are you allowed to leave the school grounds in your car during lessons or at lunch time/recess unless you have an appointment that has been pre-approved. We thank you for your co-operation with this.


Please note that Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 6th September. This will be a student free day, and is an ideal opportunity for students and their parents to connect with teachers before the final stretch of the school year.


With only a couple of weeks remaining in Term 3, we encourage students to make the most of their last few weeks at school. Remember to reach out to the Year 12 Team if you need further support. We are here to help!