Principals Page

Dear Parents and Carers

How many sleeps now until the St Joseph's Spring fair?

I know you are all very excited and counting down to what will be a fantastic school community event. 


A huge thank you to parents and carers who have volunteered to help out on the day. Every little bit counts and matters so if you have not yet volunteered please give it some thought. It is a great way to meet other parents or to just connect with the school if it is difficult for you in your usual work routines of the week.


Please help- we need you!

Below are some areas we still need your support. Your kids will love you for it. If you can assist please email Nat and Sonia at

  • Chocolate wheel - raffle ticket sellers on the day
  • Main raffle- roaming ticket sellers on the day
  • Lolly stall
  • Bookstall
  • Got a truck or ute? - Volunteers/s to pick up and drop off trestle tables being borrowed from Holy Spirit College
  • Other- if none of these jobs are up your alley just put your hand up and we will find something for you.

Happy Fathers Day to our Wonderful Dads

Pope Francis wrote the apostolic letter titled Patris Corde (“With a Father’s Heart”) in preparation for the year honoring St. Joseph, 2021. He explained the fatherhood of St. Joseph through seven lenses that are worth examining again in 2023.


Beloved Father: Joseph is the earthly father of Jesus, who protected and provided for Jesus in safety and love so that he may grow into his fullness as the Messiah. 

We thank God for all the beloved fathers or father figures at St Joseph's.


Tender and Loving Father: We can rightly say that Joseph modeled fatherhood for Jesus. Knowing God’s plan for Jesus, Joseph’s gift of tender love helped Jesus grow strong in mind and body. 

We thank God for tender and loving fathers or father figures at St Joseph's.


An Obedient Father: St Joseph shows us that even fathers are answering to a higher calling. When Mary is pregnant, Joseph has a dream that tells him the Child of God will be born through Mary. At that moment and forevermore, Joseph puts the welfare of Mary and Jesus above all else. 

We pray that the fathers of our students continue to listen to God and like St Joseph are obedient not only to the Word of God but also to their paternal responsibility of putting their family’s best interests before their own.


An Accepting Father: Pope Francis tells us, “In our own lives, acceptance and welcome can be an expression of the Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude. Only the Lord can give us the strength needed to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations, and disappointments.” We see in Joseph the acceptance of God’s plan, even though quite conceivably he didn’t understand it, and most certainly was contrary to the societal norms of the day.

We pray that fathers have the strength needed to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations, and disappointments.


A Creatively Courageous Father: In Patris Corde, Pope Francis says that “in the face of difficulty, we can either give up and walk away, or somehow engage with it.” Joseph, as the father of Jesus, husband of Mary and protector of the Holy Family, is faced with difficulties time and again. If we feel like our difficulties outnumber our blessings at times, we need to remember that God trusts us to be creative and courageous to find solutions to our problems.

We pray that the Fathers of students at St. Joseph's, trust in God, and creatively turn troubles into opportunities. 


A Working Father: St. Joseph has long been associated with the ethic of work. He earned an honorable living as a carpenter and provided for his family; likewise, he taught Jesus the value, joy, and dignity that can be found in providing for one’s family from the fruits of his labor. We, as followers of Christ, must find ways to make certain that everybody has the opportunity to work.

May fathers always be blessed with rewarding and fruitful work and thankful for the work that provides for their families. May we as a community always be there for fathers unable to work.


A Father in the Shadows: The role of a responsible and loving father or father figure, as we have seen in St. Joseph, is not an easy one. A father must embody many truths and live them actively. He must teach, model, and communicate the virtues of fatherhood so that the child can grow to the fullness of their potential. A father in the shadows, allows a child to have the freedom to walk “the paths of life unaccompanied.”

We pray that fathers may have the wisdom to know when their child/ren should have the freedom to walk the paths of life and trust in the values they have raised their child on. 



At St Joseph's we are proud to work in partnership with the fathers of our students who, with mothers, have chosen a Catholic Education for their children. 


I hope that Sunday is a day for all of us to be grateful for Dads or those men who are significant in the lives of our students. 


A special mention and cheer for Father Patrick on Father's Day. He is one of those significant men in the life and faith formation of all of us. We thank him ever so deeply for his presence and care at St Joseph's.  


For all our dads, grandfathers, or special men in the lives of students at St Joseph’s, we give thanks!


To all of our dads on staff, have a great day with your families.


Acting Assistant Principal

Mr Miguel Aguilera is currently on leave and Mrs Kylie Grose is the Acting Assistant Principal until the end of Week 1 Term 4. 


Mrs Smith has moved to the Middle Leader Position and Mr Alexander Walker is the Acting Religious Education Coordinator. 


I thank Kylie, Christine and Alex for taking up the extra responsibilities on the school leadership team. Please contact Kylie Grose should you have any pastoral concerns for your child.


For all things at St Joseph's, we give thanks.

Mrs Jen Charadia



Principal Awards - Friday 8 September 2023

The following students will receive their Principal Awards on Friday 8 September August (Term 3 Week 8) at 2pm.  

Josie W2nd
Louie B3rd
Zoe C4th
Xanthe B3rd
Saul O3rd
Celie S7th
Leo B5th
Rachel C7th
Aaron B5th
William B5th

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards which are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students send them to the school office to be recorded and are then eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly. End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.