Community Notices

Community Languages
Ciao / здраво / Bula / Jó napot / Malo lelei / வணக்கம் / bonjour / नमस्ते / Namaste / hujambo / こんにちは / hallo / sawubona / ¡Hola! / ہیلو / Olá / 你好 / xin chào / Guten Tag! / Привет / Bună ziua! / אַ גוט יאָר ! / hej / হ্যালো / हॅलो / مرحبا / ਸਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ। / nggoleki / 여보세요 / హలో / merhaba / hello / ሰላም / selami / Dia dhuit / Ahoj / zdravo / ආයුබෝවන් / Kia ora / γεια σας / Talofa lava / Haigh / Mpenzi / Akkam / سلام / Salam /你好中文 / नमस्कार / สวัสดี / ဟဲလို / nǐ hǎo / Mabuhay
Community Languages Tasmania Spring Festival will be held on Sunday 24 September. For more information, click on the link below.
Sporting Club Notices
Metro Temporary Adjustments
Below is information regarding a Temporary Service Adjustment to Metro services that will start from Monday 28 August.
School services will remain unaffected and will continue to operate as usual. In addition, Metro will continue to protect and prioritise other high priority general access services.