A Word from the Principal

Megan Richardson

"Grant me the strength to serve with a compassionate heart, the wisdom to understand the needs of others, and the grace to make a positive difference in their lives. May my efforts be guided by love and humility, as I seek to bring joy, support, and comfort to those I serve."



Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

Proverbs 3:27


Last week I was fortunate enough to visit our Year 10 students on their Service Camp at Orana in Roches Beach.  The students were buzzing with stories of their time supporting students at Rokeby Primary School, helping residents at Fairway Rise or working in a LandCare group weeding and planting trees.  Stories ranged from special moments with students and assisting residents to make crafts to reflecting on what it means to help others.


In the spirit of fostering well-rounded individuals Mount Carmel College believes in the significance of service. As a school community, we firmly believe in instilling values that extend beyond the classroom and empower our students to become compassionate, empathetic, and responsible citizens of the world. Service is a powerful force that not only benefits those on the receiving end but also shapes the character of those who give. It teaches our students the value of selflessness, kindness, and the impact that each of us can have on our communities. Whether through volunteering, acts of kindness, or participating in community projects, our students learn that their actions can create a ripple effect of positive change. Through service, our students gain a deeper understanding of the needs of others, fostering empathy and a genuine connection to the world around them. They learn to step outside their comfort zones, embrace diversity, and work collaboratively to address challenges faced by society. These experiences lay the foundation for a lifetime of meaningful contributions and active citizenship. 


At Mount Carmel College service is more than just an expectation in Year 10; it's a core value that we integrate into our curriculum and extracurricular activities. Our students have engaged in various initiatives, from environmental clean-ups to fundraising for local charities, demonstrating their commitment to making a difference. These experiences not only enrich their lives but also empower them to be proactive change-makers who leave a positive mark wherever they go. As parents and educators, we play a vital role in nurturing the spirit of service. By modelling acts of kindness and encouraging our students to get involved, we inspire them to embrace the joy of giving. Service opportunities not only complement their academic journey but also provide a platform for personal growth, character development, and the cultivation of a strong moral compass.


Together, we can empower our students to carry the torch of kindness, empathy, and responsibility forward, leaving an indelible legacy of positive change in our communities and beyond. 

Year 10 Formal

We look forward to celebrating a successful Year 10 this weekend with our most senior students.  Please be reminded that all Year 10 students are expected to attend lessons on Friday 25 August and appointments in preparation for the Formal should not be made during school hours. All nails, extensions, etc can be on for one week after the Formal and must be removed by Monday 5 September. 

Early Learning Centre

Enrolments are continuing to grow as we open our ELC space to three and four year old boys and girls in the year before they commence Kindergarten.  Staffing is almost finalised and a beautiful space will be prepared for ready for commencement on Monday 16 October.  Please contact the College Office for an enrolment pack if you are interested or know of someone who may be interested this year or next.