Boys Inters played a really strong game against Foster, first up and won convincingly. They tired and found Foster too strong in the second game, before finding some remaining energy to battle it out against Mary Mac, who proved too organised in the third and last game, for a loss.
Girls Inters were supported by Jess and Tara who played up to fill the team. The first game against Foster saw them play well for the first time ever as a whole team, which meant that some players were being ironed out and the footy players got a feel for what kind of contact was going to be penalised, but it was played in good spirits for a loss. The second game against Mary Mac became more organised, but not enough for a win. The third game against Bass Coast saw a team that was two subs down at half time draw upon energy reserves that saw them claw back to win the second half and end the game on only a 7-point difference.
Mr Blake and Ms Kennedy were super proud of both teams for their efforts, great sportsmanship and exemplary conduct whilst representing our school on the day.
Year 7 Boys and Girls played Interschool Basketball at Korumburra Rec. Centre on Thursday 17th of August.
Girls played three games and won two, placing them second in their pool. Awesome work.
Boys played three games and won all three. This placed them first in their pool and they played off against the other pool winner, Foster Secondary College, in the final. Despite a solid effort from all team members Foster were too strong and they were placed second overall.
Thanks to all players and both coaches Ms. Sorrell and Mr. Boulter.