College News 

Message from the College Principal

G’day everyone, it is great to be back after more than a term away and I would like to thank everyone for their wishes and support whilst I have been on leave. In particular, I would like to thank Matt Jobling and the principal team 

for their support and their leadership whilst I was away.


The college has completed a review during Term 3 which is always a demanding time and the team, led by Matt who has managed the demands of the term with competence and skill. 


I had the privilege of attending this year's Kurnai’s Got Talent on Tuesday night in the Drama Room at Morwell Campus. This was an excellent showcase of our emerging talent and an event we all look forward to. This year Kurnai College Council has provided some of the prizes for the winning students in recognition of their outstanding efforts. Our Music Team does a great job organising this popular event which has grown in status and accomplishment since its early beginnings. 


Last Thursday I had the pleasure of attending the Gippsland Year 12 Koorie graduation ceremony at the Italian Australian Club. Kurnai was well represented at the event with five graduating Year 12s. This year across Gippsland 26 Indigenous students successfully completed Year 12 which is a huge improvement from several years ago when sometimes the only Year 12 graduates were from Kurnai. Hayden Edwards, an ex-student and member of our Koorie Support Team was the emcee at the event and did a fabulous job. Two of our former students, Anna Solomon, currently working at DFFH and Talia Cooke, currently a second year student studying medicine at Monash University, presented on their educational journey and spoke fondly of the support they received while at Kurnai. This was a very positive event full of optimism and achievement and we congratulate Kian Johnston, Jenna McLauchlan, Shanique Rohde, Anakin Terrick, and Mikayla Butler-Cooke. Their graduation is also a testimony to the teachers, support staff and their families who have helped them along their journey. Next Friday our Indigenous Support Team will travel to represent us at the Department of Education’s Victorian Education Excellence Awards in Melbourne. I know that everyone is grateful for the excellent work that they do and as they have now reached the finals and are down to the top three entries across our state, we congratulate them for their achievement so far and wish them well next week.


Anthony Rodaughan

College Principal 

Music News

Monash Medical Orchestra Collaboration: 

During the Term 3 holidays current staff, students and Kurnai Alumni performed in collaboration with the Monash Medical Orchestra as a part of the ‘Music for the Valley’ performance. It was an amazing opportunity to perform with a 90-piece orchestra and jazz ensemble. The concert was held at the Federation University (Churchill Campus) and was well attended by our local community with dignitaries Professor Andrew O’Loughlin, Cr Kellie O’ Callaghan & Professor Shane Bullock in attendance. The performance was well received ending in a standing ovation. We were honoured to be given the opportunity and are looking forward to collaborating with Monash University into the future! A most wonderful and entertaining night of music for all!


Student reflections:


The Monash Medical orchestra and Kurnai college performance collaboration rehearsals have been such a great experience. Kurnai students and staff have been granted this spectacular privilege to perform with the Medical orchestra, along with being given the chance to practice and learn new techniques and skills from the medical students. Being able to rehearse with the medical students was so much more than I expected, along with learning new skills and meeting new people I otherwise never would have met. I am so lucky that I have the chance to participate in a professional performance and collaboration as this is something I have always wanted to do. 

-Lexie. S


I really enjoyed the Medical orchestra rehearsal and performance and found it to be something great and a great opportunity. I was amazed by the diversity of the campus and how talented the students were. I had a lovely time performing and rehearsing.

 -Jayda. A


I thought the performance and rehearsals were great and such an amazing experience. It’s certainly something I never thought I would be able to do. I had such a great time practicing with the Monash students and an even better time performing at the university. I thank Mr. G for organising the collaboration and for giving me the opportunity to perform. I will never forget performing with the medical students and getting to learn new skills and techniques for playing drums. Thank you again to the teachers who made it happen and for the people who made it even better. 

- Lucas. C.E


Thank you to Mr. G, Mr. Hopkins, and Ms. Simms for organising the collaboration with Monash university and the amazing people we all got to work with. We are all grateful for the experiences and new skills we gained from performing. This is certainly something all of us will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Thank you again for everything.

Kurnai's Got Talent

On Tuesday 17th October participants from Morwell, Churchill & University Campuses battled it out at the Kurnai's Got Talent Grand Final. The event went extremely well, and audiences were delighted by the diversity of the performances including musical theatre, dance routines, solo vocalists and band performances. We’re very proud of all those who performed and thank them for their contribution and dedication. Kurnai’s Got Talent is a great opportunity for students to showcase and refine their performing arts skills in a live and professional setting. 


Thank you to everyone that contributed to making Kurnai's got Talent 2023 a hugely successful event! 


1st Place: Riley (University Campus) 

2nd Place: Lucas (University Campus) 

3rd Place: Chase (University Campus) 


Participation Medallions:

  • Simon (Morwell Campus) 
  • Kara (Morwell Campus) 
  • Madeline (Churchill Campus)
  • Lexie (Churchill Campus)
  • Darnell (Churchill Campus)
  • Toby (Churchill Campus) 
  • Claire (Churchill Campus) 
  • Claire (Churchill Campus) 
  • Kyra (Churchill Campus) 
  • Rory (Churchill Campus) 
  • Dallas (Churchill Campus) 
  • Erin (Churchill Campus)

Master of Ceremonies:

  • Jazmine
  • Kerwin

Outstanding Koorie Education Finalist

Kurnai College is extremely proud to announce that our Koorie Support Team has been shortlisted for the prestigious Victorian Education Excellence Awards for 2023.


Our Koorie Support Team, consisting of Marina Cooper, Hollie Johnson, Tre Moffatt, and Hayden Edwards have been shortlisted for the Outstanding Koorie Education category for their commitment and dedication to our Indigenous students and their families.


We wish them all the best at the awards ceremony later this month in Melbourne.

All finalist details can be viewed on the Department's website at:


100 Word Story Competition

This year we set our students the challenge of writing a whole story in only 100 words.  Any student could enter and there were some outstanding stories submitted.  A selection of the better stories will be found in this year’s Kurnai Yearbook which will come to all students in late November. 


Four stories were outstanding and each of the writers have won themselves a QBD book voucher.  The winner students (in alphabetical order) are:

  • Flynn Hanson
  • Amber Hoggard
  • Thomas McKay
  • Lachan Savige

They will receive the book vouchers this week.

You can read their stories (and many others) in this year’s Kurnai Yearbook.


School Values

Kurnai College’s four pillars underpin all aspects of our work.