Principal's Message

Richard Jacques

Dear OLA Families,

What beautiful weather we have been enjoying this week. From scarf and beanies last week to sunhats, sunglasses and reading outside under the shade of our beautiful gum trees this week! The good times just keep on coming, with the highly successful Sports Colours Day held today. Thank you to the House Team Leaders and Mrs Thompson for coordinating fun activities today - all the students and staff had such a lovely day. Not to be outdone by AFL, it was great to see students representing sports like Netball, Basketball and Rugby!

Thank you all for an amazingly exciting term of learning and fun. So many wonderful opportunities have been provided to the students at OLA in Term 3 helping to create many special memories. There has been so much to celebrate and we congratulate our students, staff and families for all they have given during this term.  These special moments have brought much laughter, joy and community spirit. Over the break, we hope that you are all able to have some rest and recharge. 

Below is a snapshot of what we have achieved this term in 10 weeks:


Term 3 Highlights

  • Great, Good, Gorgeous and Grand People's Day at OLA - 'G' Day!
  • Kingston Division Mixed AFL & Netball, District Basketball and District Athletics 
  • Inform and Empower Cyber Safety Workshops with Marty McGuaran
  • FIRE Carriers lead OLA Little Long Walk and Smoking Ceremony
  • School tours for prospective families, Prep 2024 Interviews & Parent Info Night
  • Confirmation Parent and Child Workshop and the Sacrament for Grade 5/6s
  • Father’s Day Breakfast, Stall and visit to the classrooms for fathers & special people
  • Amazing Class Assemblies celebrating learning from our classrooms
  • Term 3 Working Bee
  • GATEWAYS & The Australian Mathematics Competition added to our Extension Program 
  • Preps 100 days of school celebration & Milo’s Birthday Surprise
  • Positive Behaviour Support and Reading Professional Learning for staff
  • Grade 1/2 Family Faith Formation Night focussed on 'Courage'
  • Feast of Mary MacKillop Prayer Service 
  • Our Lady of the Assumption Feast Day and Fun Fair
  • OLA Performing Arts Night celebrating the OLA Choir, Taiko Drums and Wakakirri
  • Butterfly Let's Talk Body Image Workshop for Grade 5 students
  • Book Week - ‘Read Grow Inspire’ Live-in-School Performance & Dress Up Day
  • Visit from author Felice Arena
  • Wakakirri Performances at Frankston Arts Centre - Wakakirri Spirit Award, State and National Award nominations - such a huge achievement!
  • 2023 Art Show, 'Courage to Create' - a highlight of the term!
  • iSea and iCare Excursion for OLA Sustainability Leaders
  • Prep and Grade 6 Buddy Activities
  • Prep Class Prayer Services
  • Master Plan meetings and conversations with students, staff and parents

Art Show Gratitude

The official opening of our OLA Art Show for 2023 on Wednesday 6 September was such a brilliant moment to celebrate the great community we enjoy here at OLA. We loved seeing the passion of our talented Art teacher Mrs Hudson and her amazing Arts & Culture Leaders in Maggie, Molly, Giselle and Amelia.  We congratulate all students at OLA for having the 'Courage to Create' such amazing art pieces. I dont think we will ever forget the respectful 'gallery hands' we saw on the night and the joy in the children's faces as they toured their families around the exhibition. It was also lovely to see parishioners new Preps families for 2024 from local kinders and personnel from Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools popping in to see the great work.  We also thank our wonderful Parents & Friends Association for organising the sausage sizzle, drinks and  bake sale along with the second hand uniform shop being open on the night.

Grade 3/4 Inquiry Celebration

We all got to enjoy a wonderful culmination of learning in Grade 3/4 for this term's focus on Geography.  In small groups children collaborated on showcasing the many Asian and European countries in our world. The two classrooms converted into two continents and we were able to explore Asia in one room and Europe in the other room and after visiting each table we received a stamp for our passport. The Preps loved this experince as did the staff and parents. Thank you to the many parents and family members who were able to join their children for this great celebration of learning.

NATIONAL Award Nomination Goes To OLA!

On Monday 4 September we participated in the Victorian state performance of Wakakirri at Frankston Arts Centre. Congratulations to our Wakakirri students and staff and we look forward to further National announcements on 18 October. This week our Arts Leaders invited all the Wakakirri students to gather in the Hall to say thank you to our Wakakirri teachers and leaders - Caitlan, Tess, Ann, Rosie and Shelby.  Thank you staff for being extra awesome.

"The opportunity to participate in Wakakirri was a really fun time and a memory I will never forget. The past couple of terms it was fun practicing and performing with all my friends." (Giselle W)


"I loved the opportunity to be able to perform on stage in front of hundreds of people and  being able to be in a amazing atmosphere with lights, smoke and the videos in the backround." (Maggie F)


"When we got to Wakakirri we had a couple hours to spare so we played lots of games. We did coloring in, staff guesser, uno and questions and answer games." (Amelia B)


"It was fun being able to think of our answer in the moment to tell the host." 

(Molly M)

iSea iCare Excursion

Our iSea iCare Leaders represented OLA on Tuesday 12 September on an excursion to the beaches between Carrum and Mentone. The children planted native plants, removed weeds and saw what Kingston Council conservationists work on. They also got to understand how the tractor and sand rake helps clean up the beaches. Hudson from Living Culture shared and demonstrated how indigenous tools were used for hunting and the students were excited to throw a spear. The children were also able to try and start a fire, as the First Nation's people would have. They sifted through sand and identified lots of types of rubbish that can end up in the sea and the children reflected on how they can make a difference. The children talked about how they can see the changes that have already been made, such as paper straws instead of plastic straws, so they are keen to  make a difference and help the environment and animals. They were excited to hear that the 'can recycling initiative' will start again in Victoria later in the year too.  We thank the amazing Christen Watkins for accompanying the students on this excursion.

Exciting Announcement

This year we have hit our maximum number of 26 students in Grades 1-6 and we have now embraced having a waiting list at OLA with families keen to join us either before the end of this school year or at the beginning of the 2024 school year. With this in mind we have met with the OLA School Advisory Council (parents), the OLA Consultative Committee (staff) and we have worked with MACS to determine our dreams for next year and the years ahead. Our dream for next year is to add two classes so that we grow from having 10 classes to 12 classes and thus reducing classes from a possible 28 to around 20 in Grades 1/2 and Grades 3/4. Thank you to our parents, students and staff for continuing to be the best form of marketing by way of word of mouth that any school could have. Your stories as families of OLA inspire others in the local community to visit us and see what is possible for their children and them as a family.


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): Monday 28 August – Friday 15 September 2023


A big thank you to those who have completed the survey. We have had 42 families complete this to date which is over 20% of our families. We would really love to hear from more of our community so if you can complete this survey this evening we would love it.

Calling for new OSAC members

I take this opportunity to thank Linda Rumsey and Steve Bustin for their service to the OLA community as active members of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School Advisory Council (OSAC) over the last 3 years. The experience and expertise that you both have provided OLA is very much appreciated. We especially appreciate you both being at the end of the phone for advice and support. Thank you Linda for your exceptional role as Chair of OSAC for the last 2 years. We know you will both continue to be great advocates for our wonderful school and that you will find new and exciting ways to remain connected.


As two vacancies have become available on OSAC, we are calling for nominations to fill these positions. Please find attached on the OSAC tab, the OSAC Membership Nomination Request, which contains detailed information regarding the role. Also please note the application closing date of Monday 30  October. We look forward to securing two new members for our team whose skills compliment those of the members already on the School Advisory Council.

Calling for 2024 Fete Chair or CoChairs

Biannually we look forward to the famous fun filled OLA Fete. We have tentatively booked the Fete for next year on Saturday 23 November. To ensure this special event can take place we are calling on a member/s of our community to lead the Fete Committee for 2024. Last Fete saw two committed parents of OLA CoChair this great event and share the workload. This can be a fun way of raising thousands of dollars for our OLA community. The last Fete raised enough money to purchase the furniture in the new Library. We will need to confirm that we have a lead person or team of leaders by Friday 27 October to ensure this great event can go ahead. You are welcome to speak with me in person or email

Calling for new OLA Parents & Friends members

We thank our 2023 P&F Committee for their support of our great school and we especially thank outgoing Chair Andy Wright and Deputy Chair Stacey Straford for creating such a welcoming and positive team. This year has seen a large focus on providing opportunities for the children and parents to have fun, enjoy being part of our great community and to fundraise. Please know that your active support is very much appreciated. We have also loved the social events organised in the different year levels and the support the P&F representatives give their level when there is a need for support for a family, a child or a staff member. These P&F Year Level Reps will be looking for new reps to join them or replace them.


If you would like to be part of helping our school next year and adding to our wonderful sense of community, please consider joining the 2024 P&F Team. It is a great way to contribute to the development of the school and meet other parents.


In addition to looking for executive postions like Chair and Deputy Chair, each year level requires two parent representatives, who are responsible for updating the parents in their year level with important information/reminders, and organising a couple of events throughout the year. For example, the Grade 1 P&F representatives host the Morning Tea for new and current families on the first day of school.


Feel free to chat to this year's P&F members if you would like some more information or, better still, if you would like to get involved. You can also speak with me in person or email any questions or ideas to

Class Placements 2024

The staff work together on class lists for the following year from the start of Semester 2. The process will be completed with consideration given to social cohesion, friendship groupings, placement of siblings and positive academic influences. Other factors to be considered include keeping a ‘balance’ of children with social, emotional, physical, behavioural and academic needs, and an even spread of year level numbers and genders in multi-age classes. This is an opportunity for students to either further develop existing friendships or an opportunity to develop new friendships. We see the ability to create new friendships each year as a valuable opportunity to further develop personal life skills for all children.


Parent Input - Meeting with the Principal

If parents have any relevant information that they believe is essential to the class placement process, they are invited to make a time to meet with the Principal to share their thoughts. Parents are requested to make an appointment by 31 October each year. Appointment times can be negotiated with the school office by calling 9584 9488. We will evaluate all input and make a professional judgement on the placement of the child in question. The final decision rests with the school. Please keep in mind the many limitations that are already placed on the staff during this complex process. Appointments relating to class placements must be made by 31 October each year so that staff can have relevant information to assist them with the placement of children. 


'Teacher Shopping'

Parents making requests simply as ‘Teacher Shopping’, without any foundation, are unlikely to receive their requests for the next year. The reference ‘teacher shopping’ is a term used when parents have heard positive comments on teachers in the school from other parents and think that teacher may be good for their child. Likewise a sibling may have had a teacher previously that a parent wishes for their next child to experience. We would love to meet all requests but there are other elements around class placements, as detailed previously, which may take priority over a request as such. We are blessed with a highly skilled and enthusiastic staff team and we are confident that all teachers will meet the needs of your children. If all parents submitted requests for teachers then our system of student allocation would be compromised. As stated above, parents are invited to meet with the Principal to discuss thoughts that may be pertinent to class placements but we ask that you take on board all of the above information when making your request.


Please open the ‘Key Dates and Events’ tab in this newsletter for important dates or access the OLA Calendar here.


Key dates for the next 2 weeks...

Week 1- Term 4 
Monday 2 OctSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 3 OctStart of Term 4 for students P-6 - Summer Uniform
Thursday 5 OctWorld Teachers Day - we honour all staff members today
 2-3pm - OLA Secondhand Uniform Shop Open
Friday 6 OctKingston Division Athletics
 2.30-3.30pm - Whole School Assembly
Week 2 
Monday 9 Oct7.30 P&F Meeting
Tuesday 10 OctKinect 2 Dance Sessions begin in readiness for Production
Friday 13 Oct9-10am - Grade 5/6 Science Excursion TwistED Moorabbin
 Newsletter Day

Summer Uniform

We hope that as the children finish Term 3 that you can put away their winter uniform and bring out their summer uniform. However, should it turn cold again, in the first two weeks of Term 4 students are welcome to wear summer or winter uniforms.  By Monday 16 October all students must be in full summer uniform.  We also remind parents that Term 4 has a ‘No Hat – No Play’ Sunsmart Policy. Children without hats at school will be restricted to the undercover ‘quiet’ area. A reminder that girls and boys wear navy socks with their summer uniform and there must be no logos on white sport socks. Black leather shoes must be worn with the summer uniform. There are strictly no variations to the school uniform, for example, non-school hat, alternative sock colours, non uniform long sleeve tops under short sleeve school shirts.  School hats and sunscreen must be worn from day one and "no hat, no play" will apply.  Sunscreen must be applied before school and students are encouraged to re-apply before lunch every day. We are all looking forward to more of this sunshine and warmer days!


Personalised Learning

Congratulations to Josy Reeder, Christine Thredgold, our teachers and LSOs for the incredible amount of work and investment that has gone into writing, evaluating and presenting the Personalised Learning Plans for identified students at our school. The feedback from parents has been so wonderful, acknowledging the significant investment and care demonstrated. We also thank our parents for their partnership and advocacy, as we look to build on these wonderful achievements in Term 4. 


Player of the Year Award

We love Sports Colours Day at OLA and it is times like this that we especially hear about outstanding sportsmanship and talents being recognised in local sport. We congratulate all students who have participated in local sport and those who have received an award this season. We congratulate Bella for being awarded the MVP Award for her U12 team as well as taking out the leagues top scorer by over 100 points. In addition to this she also received the “Basil Cervi Award- VJL Girls Player of the Year for 2023” (only one female player receives this award from Sandringham Sabres inclusive of all junior age groups). We are proud of you Bella and all our students who participate in sport and who have achieved such excellence this season.


Principal Awards

Congratulations to all the students who have been to visit Mr Jacques, Mrs Taig and Mrs Reeder over the last couple of weeks. This is an exciting time of the term with much of the learning coming together and children's work ready to be celebrated and shared.


Prep Assembly

The Hall was packed last Friday for our Prep Assembly. It was wonderful to see so many proud parents, teachers and extended family and friends beaming and celebrating the many accomplishments of this beautiful group of children. Congratulatiosn to each and every Prep student at OLA. Can you believe that they are 3/4 of the way through their first year of primary school and such confidence and joy of learning is already on show.


Classroom Helpers

Over the last term I have lead many school tours and I have also had the priviledge of being in many classrooms supporting the learning and wellbeing of the children. During these opportunities I am always so impressed by the extra support our teachers and students are receiving from Classrom Helpers. A big thank you to the many parents, grandparents and parishioners who help out in our clasrooms at OLA. Your time and engagement in the children's learning is not lost on us - we are most grateful.


Just a quick note to say thank you so much for having me in your class today as a Classroom Helper. I find it to be a tonic for the soul - they’re all gorgeous and seeing them grow and learn under your patient guidance is such a blessing. I really appreciate the opportunity that you and OLA provide us as Classroom Helpers. PS I'm so glad I managed to spell “restaurant” right!


Thank you to the staff for another amazing term at OLA, and to the students for their hard work and determination. Wishing all our families the most relaxing of holidays and may we all enjoy some special moments together and some time just to be. 


Richard Jacques
