Student Leaders

Library Leaders - Bailey & Logan
The David Walliams Book Show
During the school holidays, the Library Leaders went to the David Walliams Book Show. David Walliams is a British author who has written books such as Billionaire Boy, Demon Dentist, Mr Stink and Ratburger.
At the beginning of the show he talked about where his book ideas came from. His very first book was ‘Boy in a Dress’ which was based on his experiences of his sister dressing him up like a doll when he was younger. He said this story is important because it celebrates what it means to be different and difference is a super power.
Another book he based on real life people is Gangsta Granny. When he was younger he used to dread going to his Granny’s house because she fed him cabbage soup and made him play board games. Then he started to actually talk to his Granny and was amazed to discover she lived through World War II and had to hide in underground bunkers to stay survive bombing attacks. Each morning, she would come out from the bunkers not even knowing if her house was still standing. This got him thinking about the other secret lives Granny’s could have and so Gangsta Granny was born!
During the show he often asked the audience questions in the hope of getting ideas for Worlds Worst Children 4 and Worlds Worst Parents 2. Our favourite answer from the children were little siblings being bossed by big sisters and some questionable smells. The parents were considered the worst because they limited devices…….annoying!
At the end of the show a child said his mum was embarrassing because she dances in public. When he asks her to stop she dances even more. So David Walliams brought her up to the stage and she danced to the music, the son was totally mortified!
As library leaders we really enjoyed this show! We will be donating David Walliams books to the school library for our community to all enjoy. Happy Reading!
Auslan Leaders - Lulu & Mackenzie
This newsletter article is a deaf book report.
In this book, Dachy, the pterodactyl has a hearing aid. He can hear all sorts of noises with his hearing aid on, but when it’s off he can hear very little. His friends can be too loud sometimes and all he can hear is noise, so not to disturb their fun he switched his hearing aids off and flew away to sit on a rock. It was not a rock that he was sitting on though, it was a grumpy turtle. Dachy didn’t hear the turtle say ‘get off’. Dachy fell asleep. The turtle was very cross so he went to the river to get a drink. As the turtle knelt down to reach the water, Dachy slid off his shell and landed on a passing log. To this point still Dachy was asleep and was now floating down steam. Dachy’s friends noticed Dachy was missing and they found him at the river almost about to go down a waterfall. At the bottom of the waterfall was a hungry alligator. His friends tried to wake him up but without his hearing aid he couldn’t hear his friends. One of his friends had a plan though.They grabbed a nearby stick and nudged Dachy. Dachy jolted up just in time. Dachy flew to the side of a lake, Dachy and his friends were wondering how he got there. Dachy explained why he turned his hearing aid off and his friends said ‘sorry’. Dachy said sorry as well. Dachy promised not to go off without someone knowing. The 3 friends remained safe and happy.
Art Leaders - Ava, Rory & Allie
Welcome to Term 4. The new water fountain taps have finally arrived. There are currently 2 water fountain taps that have been designed by Lulu 5/6W and Summer 3/4H. The water fountain looks amazing and is definitely available to use. There is a little information about the water fountain: the water fountain has 2 faces on each fountain to fill water, you can press the button on the top to start the water. There are two side for students to use for drinking, one tall one for the big kids, and there are one little one for the little kids. One drink fountain is also wheelchair accessible. We hope you enjoy the water fountain and once again thank you to Lulu, Summer, Ms Jones and Ms Wright for their work.
House Captains - Lync, Owen, Harper & Sam
Northern Peninsula Divisional Athletics Carnival
On the 9th of October, 24 students went to Divisional Athletics day. Everyone did an amazing job, some people even brought home ribbons. We had an amazing time! Lync even made it through to the next round at Regions.