Christmas Market - PA News

Hi All,
Preparations are well under way for our upcoming Night Market on the green, Friday 29th November. So start spreading the word to all your family and friends, neighbours, colleagues… anyone! It will be a fun filled event for all ages.
Stall applications are still open so if you know anyone who would like to have a stall on the night please email for information or contact Lisa Marulli (0400179435) or Catherine Purtell (0412823076).
Thank you to everyone who has donated chocolate blocks.
Keep the donations coming for the ever so popular chocolate toss! Please leave your donations at the office. The more blocks we have the more fun
We are in need of volunteers for the Face Painting stall. No experience required. If you know of anyone (nieces, nephews or older siblings all welcome). Please contact Catherine Purtell (0412823076) for any further questions.
Catherine and Lisa