Year 6 Newsletter
Year 6 Weekly Newsletter: Week 2
Dear parent and carers,
Welcome to Term 4! We are certainly on the count down to the end of the year, and the end of your child’s primary school years. It will be a busy and emotional term for everyone.
Each fortnight we aim to send you both information about what we have been doing in class, and some very important dates and events for you to keep track of. Please put them in your diary.
Week 2 wrap up
We’ve had another fun-filled week in Year 6. Congratulations to those who represented our school in the Division Basketball, Division Softball and Regional Athletics this week. In Week 4 our mixed volleyball team heads off to Division finals too. A very successful ISS year for ENPS!
Writing - Term 4 begins with our class novel War Horse. Alongside our reading, we are learning about WW1 and the role of horses in the war. The students are learning new and ambitious vocabulary, which assists in reading comprehension and writing. Our students are beginning to plan a narrative inspired by the prompt ‘A Journey to the Unknown’.
We also look forward to our next topic - autobiographies - beginning in week 5. Please make sure the homework tasks on Google Classroom are submitted over the weekend. Please assist your child to complete these if you have not already done so
- All About Me
- When I was Little….
Maths - Time: Maths investigations this week have been centred around Time! We have explored telling time on analogue clocks, navigated 24 hour time and solved elapsed time problems. We’ve also had a go at interpreting timetables and learned more about timezones.
Inquiry – Earn & Learn: We have now had our 2 sessions for the Talk Money incursion. It was a very engaging presentation where students learned some tips on being smart with money, including saving, and also learnt more on the importance of money in our everyday lives. During inquiry we explored income tax and superannuation, and how these things contribute to our community and our futures.
Homework - Weekly reading diaries are now due on Fridays. Mathletics tasks are set and should be completed each week. These tasks complement the work we are doing in the classroom.
Graduation News:
Graduation photos and voice-overs are now overdue! We really need these sent in so that we are able to begin putting together our graduation videos.
SOW: Congratulations to our Year 6 students
Important dates in Term 4
- Eltham College Production (Week 3 - Friday) - Please give consent on Compass for this
- Mixed Volleyball Finals (Week 4 - Monday) - Please give consent on Compass for this and let Cara know if you are able to drive students to the venue and back
- Science incursion (Week 4 - Tuesday)
- Life Ed Sexual Health lessons (December 3 and 4)
- Graduation (December 16th)
- Survivor Day (December 18th)
- Big Day Out (December 19th)
- Last Day of school (December 20th)
Have a great weekend
Year 6 teachers
Cara, Jess, Nikki and Celine