Level 4

What a big start to Term 4 for our Level 4 students!
Last week saw us all head to the Besen Centre for our HEPS Production. We were so proud of how our students challenged themselves, worked together and enjoyed the experience. Thank you to our families for supporting our students and the wider school to ensure all ran smoothly on the night.
Inquiry - Physical Science
Our students have been tuning in to the new Inquiry unit and exploring forces-friction, tension, heat, gravity, contact and non-contact forces, and all the fun of magnets! We look forward to our incursion where we take a closer look at ‘matter’.
Our reading unit has sat comfortably alongside our inquiry unit and we have been looking at ‘cause and effect’ through our science unit as well as in the mentor texts we have been sharing together. Our start to the term has seen our students experimenting with persuasive texts and it is amazing how clever they are when it comes to persuading us of the reasons why there is ‘simply no need to make our beds every day!’
We continue to work on building our skills in multiplication and division. Please continue to encourage your child to practice at home and work on the automatic recall of times-tables.
Next week our students will be participating in swimming lessons. Our students in 4BA and 4LS leave HEPS at 9.30 for a 10am – 10:40am lesson. The students in 4AP leave school at 10.15am and swim from 10.40am – 11.20am.
What they need to bring: (please label everything)
-Swimming cap, if needed
-water bottle
-Plastic bag to keep wet items in and a separate bag for all these items
-NO thongs – students to wear school socks and shoes
*Please note – On Friday only, students to still wear their bathers to school with uniform over and to bring a set of old clothes to swim in for their survival session.