Level 2

Over the past two weeks, we have had a fantastic time diving into new topics! We have been very busy with Production and investigating Mixtures in Inquiry. Have a look below at all the wonderful things we have been exploring.
In Reading and Writing we have explored the book 'Rose Meets Mr. Wintergarten' by Bob Graham. We have been looking at settings, characters and how the author uses verbs and dialogue to add more detail and make their story interesting. We have been transferring this knowledge and understanding into our writing, where we are preparing to write an AMAZING narrative.
In Maths, we have been focusing on 2-Dimentional (2D) shapes. It has been interesting learning about vertices, edges, parallel lines, polygons, irregular and regular 2D shapes. We have been finding different shapes in the playground and have been using our fabulous drawing skills to draw 2D shapes (we drew a shape with 10 sides... do you know what this shape is called?)
Mixing, mixing, mixing! We have been doing lots of mixing and exploring of MIXTURES! Are they lumpy? Are they silky? Are they smooth or are they clumpy? We have had so much fun discovering the different textures and properties of our mixtures. I wonder what we will be mixing next week?
Looking Ahead
Week 4 (28/10-1/11): Swimming
04/11/24: Curriculum Day
05/11/24: Public Holiday