Level 1

What a busy and fun-filled start to Term 4 Level 1 has had!
Our classrooms were buzzing as we participated in whole school rehearsals at school and then at the venue. It was so exciting to be on stage and hear everyone clapping and cheering for us. The Production was amazing and we were so proud of everyone.
Our inquiry unit is turning our students into scientists. We have been investigating change, and trying to see whether changes we have seen can be reversed. We have tried some experiments and used our senses to observe the results. We investigated the changes that happen when spaghetti is cooked and whether it can be reversed. Most importantly, we are learning to think like scientists by questioning, designing experiments, observing results, making conclusions and making hypotheses. We are looking forward to our Incursion where we will be investigating Chemical Change.
In Literacy we are learning to read and write many of the words we have been using in our Inquiry unit. We are reading and learning to write procedural texts because it is the type of text we use when we are writing about an experiment. We record what we think will happen (our hypothesis), what materials we will use, and what we do in the correct order. We then write our observations and results.
Maths has already been a lot of fun as we have been investigating mass and weight, learning to estimate the mass of different objects. We have been learning to heft objects to establish which of two objects is heavier, and different types of scales which are used to measure accurately. We have also begun learning about volume and capacity and learning that different shaped containers can have the same capacity. We had a great time in the sand pit guessing and measuring how many small containers it would take to fill a larger container. Who would have thought we could learn so much while we were having so much fun!
Having friends at school helps us to feel happy and safe. We are very lucky to have some great friends in level 5 who help us to have fun. We spent an afternoon connecting with the year 5s, learning how to be good friends.