Student and Community Learning and Wellbeing

Foundation 2025 Whats App group
If you are a 2025 Foundation parent. We have created a 2025 Foundation WhatsApp group for you. Before joining, please familiarise yourself with the group behavior norms.
The purpose of this group is to share information and keep us up to date with events relevant to our level. By joining this group, you agree to be respectful and courteous. All participants will be friendly and kind in their messaging. As this is not an official school channel, any questions about the general running of the school from an academic or Education Department perspective or involving any staff member should be raised with school leadership. The purpose of this group is to share information; any disagreements between people in the chat will be resolved offline and outside of the group. We all acknowledge that any message that is deemed by the level representative(s) to not meet these rules will be deleted. Continued failure to abide by the rules will result in the removal of the offending person(s) or the disbanding of the group.
To join scan the QR code above and follow the prompts.
Diwali and Multicultural Assembly
Several of our students will be celebrating and speaking about Diwali this Friday at our whole school assembly. Please join us in the gym at 2.45pm to see these wonderful students speak and perform a cultural dance.
Mensa update
If you are a parent or group of parents interested in beginning a local Mensa catch-up group, I am interested in hearing from you. The group would -
- Bring like-minded children together to make friendships and connections in a local place.
- Allow students to play and interact with others like themselves.
- Allow parents to chat with other parents about the challenges of supporting a gifted and highly able child.
Please email Kim Holmes at
To book this seminar please visit The Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children's website/seminars and events
Website -
Event website -