
Steam Learning
This term students have continued to collaborate, problem solve, question and have fun in the STEAM room.
BEBRAS Computational Thinking
All students between grades 3 and 6 had the opportunity to compete in round 2 of the BEBRAS computation. This competition ran by the Australian Maths Trust provides students with the opportunity to test their computational thinking knowledge and problem-solving skills. Below is an example of a problem from the grade 5 and 6 competitions:
Upper Primary Year 5 & 6
Ben likes to explore garden mazes. However, every time Ben wonders whether he has gone through every path in the maze.
One day, he learns “The right hand” rule. This rule means that while walking through a maze, you always have your right hand touching the right hand wall. The right hand rule guarantees that when you enter a maze, you can always find an exit.
But, the right hand rule does not guarantee that you get to visit every path in the maze.
Below you see four mazes, with an arrow indicating where Ben enters the maze and an X showing the exit.
Select the maze where Ben will walk on every path of the maze when following the right hand rule.
Outstanding results in Science Talent Search
This year all HEPS participants received awards for their submissions. We had students participate in the categories of creative writing, scientific posters and computer game development. The judges commended students on their attention to detail, creativity and passion for Science. Congratulations Anna S, Caleb W, Lucy R, Gianna C and Zoe P.
Wonderbox Creations
Our junior students have been learning about the engineering and design thinking process to design and create a prototype. Students in collaborative groups received a box of materials including paper, paper clips, pipe cleaners, paper, straws, string and elastic bands. Following the design thinking process, students designed and created a prototype using only these materials. The creations were diverse and creative.
Students from grade 3 have been studying Antarctica and considering the importance of this area to science. Students have formed an understanding of the environment and have designed shelters which reflect their understanding of the weather, terrain and human needs.
Mars and Beyond
Grade 4, 5 and 6 students have designed shelters which consider the environment on Mars or a planet of their choice. Throughout this unit, students have compared our environment here on earth to that of their chosen planet and considered how our basic needs can be met.
Mrs Dennis