Level 6
We're a great mix in Level 6!
Level 6
We're a great mix in Level 6!
We have hit the ground running in Term 4 as the Level 6 students are gearing up for a fun and event-filled term. As there will be a lot coming up as we near the end of primary school, ensure you are checking Compass regularly for notices and updates.
Congratulations to all students who participated in Production. The two nights were an enormous success, and it was fantastic to see our Level 6 students shine in their on-stage and backstage roles. The production has been an ongoing task for these students throughout the last term and it was brilliant to see all their hard work pay off.
In our Reading unit, we have read the first six chapters of our novel-study, 'Once' by Morris Gleitzman. The students are handling the historical themes in this novel with maturity and great insight. This past fortnight, the students have explored the idea of 'theme' and participated in classwork and discussions identifying how the problems a character faces can indicate what morals or lessons the author wants us to take away from the novel. We have also explored the writing techniques used by the author and why they have chosen them for an intended effect on the reader.
In the past two weeks, our students have explored the measurement concepts of mass, volume, and capacity. They have practised converting between units and solving problems that involve measurements of different related units (e.g. mg, g, and kg). We have also explored the relationship between volume and capacity, and how one can affect the other. This week, the students have explored 3D shapes, looking at the 2D shapes that make them up into nets, as well as their cross-sections.
This term, our homework will be related to our Writing work for the Level 6 Scrapbook. Each week, students are producing a different writing piece based around their 7 years at primary school. As there is a tight deadline to complete each piece without falling behind, we allowed our students to work on their scrapbook pieces as homework. Please support us in ensuring each writing piece is completed by Friday each week. We are also encouraging our students to proof-read their writing piece with a parent at home prior to submitting. Thank you for your support in this task!
As work has now started on the Level 6 Scrapbook, we would like to remind any families that have not yet purchased one to please organise one promptly. As many schools complete a scrapbook at the end of Level 6, stores are likely to sell out. They can be purchased at K-Mart, Big W and similar stores for a cheaper option, or art/craft stores (Kaiser Craft, etc) for a slightly pricier option. Please ensure that the scrapbook provided is large enough to fit an A4 writing piece on each page.
We are still seeing some of our Level 6 students without hats in the yard. We would like to remind families that hats are required in Term 4 as part of our school's SunSmart policy and students without a hat will have to play in the shade. If your child does not have one, please purchase a new one for them to wear. Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Dates:
Mon 5 Nov - Curriculum Day
Tue 6 Nov - Melbourne Cup Day public holiday