Level 5

We are all looking forward to our camp in week 5, but in the meantime, we are still engaging in lots of fun and challenging learning.
In Numeracy, we have been learning about 3D shapes, volume, capacity and probability - we know, so much learning!
Our favourite activity for the fortnight was our lesson on capacity, where we transported as much water as we could from one bucket to another. We started with 7 litres and had to measure how much water we transported and how much we spilt on the floor. We worked in teams and had to problem solve when we were only given 1L measuring tubes.
We have been trying to sell our 'unsellable' products. From fake moustaches to human eating plants and pet rocks. We have been persuading our readers why our products are the best. We have been pushing ourselves really hard with this, through rigorous planning, drafting, revising, re-drafting and editing until we believe that our text is the best it can be. This has been tough, but we have all shown resilience through this process and have shown respect to our peers as we provide constructive feedback to our classmates.
Our Inquiry unit has been OUT OF THIS WORLD....we are learning about space.
Our space unit has included learning about our solar system and about different events in space. We will soon be moving on to living things and adaptations.
Other exciting opportunities:
We have had the pleasure of working with our current Foundation students and many of next year's Foundation students. There was so much kindness, inclusion and learning while making new friends.