Level 3

We are back into the swing of things in Level 3, following an exciting week last week with all of our star performers recovering from a brilliant two nights of production.
Our reading this term has been heavily linked to our inquiry unit, with students reading all about forces, motion, friction and gravity. They have been super engaged with these interesting topics, and eager to apply new learning to their own lives. Our focus has been on engaging in thinking routines in pairs or small groups to better understand the content, and synthesising new learning.
In writing, students have been gathering information all about gravity, working towards writing an explanation report in small groups of 3. Students have been learning how to effectively take notes and sort out their information before putting together an introduction with a general statement, an explanation about how gravity works, and a conclusion. Students particularly enjoyed the '8 to 1' thinking routine which challenged them to collaborate in their groups to choose only 8 words to sum up the topic of gravity, then refine this to 4, 2 and finally, 1! Some rich conversations were had!
This week in maths, we are jumping into the world of 'Chance'. Students will engage in a range of experiences and games to support them in learning the language of chance and how we calculate different outcomes.
Students are loving our inquiry unit so far this term, in particular the range of science experiments we have conducted to learn about topics like heat, states of matter and wind power.
Students in 3BB have enjoyed our weekly 'table roulette' where they have been challenged to sit with different people at their desks. It has been wonderful to see the students go out of their comfort zone and work with other students that they may not have worked with before. This has helped to strengthen connections, even in this late stage of the year.